The Ultimate Games - Day 5 (Afternoon)

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Thomas Ellis POV

I saw her everywhere I went.

Every time the wind blew I heard her laugh, whenever I blinked I saw her smile tattooed on the back of my eyelids. She was everywhere. I wanted it to go away.

I didn't care about winning anymore. I just wanted Summer back.

Misty Wolfe POV

I had to win this, I had to try and win. For Renee and for Max. I couldn't let their deaths be in vain.

Renee died because of me. Xenia wanted me to suffer. Renee was just a piece of Xenia's twisted game.

Renee was more than just a piece in these games. Max was more than just a piece in these games.

I can will.

I will win.

For them.

Ali Richardson POV

I thought back to my family for a moment. My siblings, both by blood and by marriage. Dominic, being thrown into this arena. Because of me.

My family at home watching, rooting for me.

I had to try.

Camille Garza POV

I couldn't believe Rudy was gone. Just like that. With the single slash of a katana.

His death wouldn't be in vain. I wouldn't let it be in vain.

I didn't care about morals anymore. I didn't care about what was right or wrong. I had to win.

And I'd kill to get there.

Phillip Gilbert POV

I couldn't really think. I felt numb. My brain had shoved up emotional barriers to protect myself from the games, but it wasn't enough. My fathers death and Tatiana's death bulldozed those walls and sent them to the ground.

My dad was dead. My dad, who I was only just beginning to remember. Tatiana was dead, Tatiana who was kind and wonderful. Amaya and Will, both whom fell months ago. I wouldn't let these deaths be for nothing.

I would avenge them.

Fern Steel POV

I'd never been so lonely.

Walking by myself through the forest, nothing but a small pack and a knife to keep me company. It was torturous.

I missed my friends. I missed Shane's comforting words, Eve's sarcastic remarks, Benji's enthusiasm, Arwin's philosophical ramblings and logic. I missed District 2. I even missed Ryan, who kissed me on reaping day as part of his weird bet to try and get around with as many girls as possible, confirmed on my trip back after that torturous hell of the minigame, and Willow, the uptight bitch who'd made it her life's mission to make mine a misery back in the District.

I missed everything. I wanted to go home. I really wanted to go home.

Valentina Curtis POV

The job was almost done.

True, it hadn't gone exactly according to plan. But I was the last career standing.

My biggest competition was gone.

All that stood in my way were tributes from other Districts, ones barely brave enough to lift a dagger to eachother.

It was almost complete. I had almost won this.

Then I could go home, then I could go home to my normal life and the normal District and forget these games ever happened.

Nick Ericson POV

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