Game 2, Day 2 (Afternoon)

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Eddie Graham POV

I looked out the window of the house we were taking refuge in, letting out a woeful sigh. The sky had turned dark and grey, and in the distance thunder had begun to roll. A cannon had sounded a few hours ago, although it was almost lost in the thunder. As I watched the sky rain began to pour down suddenly, pounding on the concrete and thundering down on the roof.

“Nick, pass me the bucket,” I heard Hope order. I turned away from the window, now splattered with rain, to see Nick hand Hope a bucket. She nodded in thanks and put it under a large leak in the roof, making a strange face as she concentrated. The house we were in was alright, but it wasn’t exactly ideal. There were holes in the roof and normally they weren’t a problem, but with this sudden rain they had suddenly become a very large issue.

“Any plans for the day?” I asked, walking over to Nick. He glanced over at me for a short moment, then shrugged.

“We don’t really have one, to be very honest.” He muttered. He shrugged his shoulders. “I guess just stay here.”

Suddenly Mike appeared from around the doorway, his breaths ragged and uneven. Blood was blooming from a wound in his stomach, and as he stood he staggered to the left, clutching his wound.

“I-It’s Harriet.” He coughed out. Hope swore loudly and rushed forward to Mike, already holding a rag and a small first aid kit. I heard the crashing of glass and the sound of a pair of feet walking down the hallway, and my heart stopped momentarily.

“Shit, she’s-“

Before Nick could finish his sentence another knife came whizzing through the air, lodging itself in Hope’s shoulder. She screamed out in pain and fell back, crashing into Mike and sending the two of them tumbling backwards to the ground. Harriet suddenly leapt out from behind the hallway and, after shooting me a devilish grin, whipped out one final knife and sent it barreling towards my face.


Someone came charging towards me and shoved me roughly to the ground, and I cried out in surprise as I crashed to the floor. Nick roared in pain as the knife Harriet had sent flying our way missed me and lodged in his forearm as he shoved me out of the way, and he collapsed on top of me, blood slowly leaking from the wound.

Harriet’s lip curled back in a snarl. Clearly she had run out of weapons, but running up to us to retrieve them was probably not the cleverest idea, and she knew that. She was no idiot. For a few moments she simply stared at us, her face set in a scowl. Then, she let out a small curse and backed up, turning on her heel and racing back down the hallway. Nick clambered to his feet and pulled the knife from his shoulder, wincing in pain, before running to the corridor and sprinting in pursuit of Harriet. Hope got to her feet and followed him, her footsteps uneven.

I staggered to a standstill and, after looking back at Mike still struggling to stand as he clutched his stomach, I decided not to go after Hope and Nick. They could handle Harriet, and if I left Mike here by himself he was defenseless and injured – easy prey for the twins. I couldn’t let him die without doing something about it.

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