Training (Day 1)

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Eugene Daniels POV

I walked through the double doors to the training room, trailing behind Luke from my District. When we walked in, almost all the tributes were already loosely gathered in a half circle around the head trainer. The head trainer, a heavily muscled woman called Audrey, looked over at us, an annoyed expression on her face.

"You're late." she snapped. Several tributes laughed. I looked over at Luke, to see that he was staring at his feet in embarrasement.

"I'll let you off today, but don't be late ag-"

"Sorry I'm late!" I whirled around as Charlotte Brown from my District burst through the door, her hand raised as if to say 'Yes, I'm here.' Audrey shot daggers at the three of us, and shook her head disdainfully.

"District 3 sure is lazy today." She commented. Charlotte scowled at her, and Audrey smirked.

"Well what are you waiting for? Get over here."

We complied and walked over to the other tributes, joining the large group.

"Today you will be free to go from station to station." Audrey instructed loudly. "If you want to, go for your life and try out the weapons, but in most cases, deaths are because of natural causes. Don't ignore the survival stations. They might just help."

With that, Audrey said that we were allowed to start training and began to walk around the room, making sure all the stations were set up. I looked around at the stations. The careers were all at the weapons stations, trying to intimidate the other tributes. I saw Luke at the plants station and began to walk towards him. He was chatting to someone, but I couldn't see who. It was only when I was a few metres away that I realized who that person was. Charlotte.

I stalked up to Luke and pulled him away.

"I need to talk to you." I said quietly. He nodded and walked with me to the corner of the training center.

"What?" he asked, obviously confused.

"Why are you talking to Charlotte?" I hissed.

Luke immediately came to his friend's defense. "She's cool! I think she should be in our alliance."

I thought back to Charlotte's angry scowl when she was angered, her long auburn hair, her green eyes, her- wait what?

'What the hell?' I thought to myself angrily. 'You hate Charlotte!'

Although I desperately tried to convince myself, part of me didn't buy it.

I laughed coldly. "Please tell me you're joking."

Luke stared at me hardly. "We are hardly going to survive with two people. And I think she could help us!"

I rolled my eyes and gave up. "Fine."

Luke smiled and dragged me back to the plants station. "Charlotte, welcome to our alliance!" he beamed. Charlotte smiled uncertainly, her eyes flickering up to meet mine. I looked away, feeling my face heat up in embarrasement. Luke smirked, obviously amused at our awkward glances at each other.

"Why don't you just admit you two like each other?" Luke smiled innocently, though there was no hiding the amusement in his voice. Charlotte nearly spat out the herb she was trying from the station, her eyes bulging.

"Very funny Luke... No way." I said. My face had gone as red as a tomato by this point.

"There's no denying it!" Luke smirked. "I dare you to kiss!"

"Luke!" I exclaimed. "We are training for the Hunger Games!"

Charlotte looked at Luke, her expression hard. "Really, Luke? That's stupid."

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