Winner's Interview

248 9 17

Four weeks later...

Universal POV

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the winners interview for the second Ultimate Games!" Jakub Jollyman screamed enthusiastically. The audience cheered loudly, screaming for the victor that had disappeared from the public eye ever since the end of the games. The victor had barely shown their face since that day, and the audience was just itching to see them again.

"As I'm sure you all know, the Ultimate Games concluded two weeks ago with that dramatic conclusion that had the nation watching," Jakub continued, trying to make this out to be some sort of epic reveal despite the identity of the victor already being well known. Some of the audience was disgruntled by the victor, preferring the other finalist when compared to who actually won, but the crowd was still abuzz.

"Now please welcome the victor of the 200th Hunger Games and the second Ultimate Games," Jakub said dramatically, extending his arm towards the stage wing.

"... Camille Garza!"

Cheers erupted from the crowd as Camille walked from the wings, smiling and waving politely at the crowd. Her hair had been cropped even shorter, now cut down to a pixie cut. Her hair was still a light blonde, her features as petite as ever, her eyes still chocolate brown as they were before, but a certain spark had been lost. Her smile was a little less wide, her eyes a little less bright.

She wore a dark blue dress that flared out at her waist, a single strap extending over her shoulder and connected to the back of her dress. A blue flower was clipped into her hair, and on her feet were a pair of blue flats. She sat down opposite Jakub, shaking his hand politely.

"Hello, Camille!" he practically yelled.

"Hi, Jakub," Camille said politely. Her lips were pursed, her body tensed up in a position that just screamed that she would rather be anywhere but there.

"So how has life been since the end of the games?"

"I've been living alone in my house in the Victor's Village," Camille said, "It's really quiet there. Really lonely. I've been trying to socialise and find people to talk to and become friends with just to try and combat the silence."

"Is it working?"

"I reunited with an old friend I knew from school before I ran off with..." Camille paused, "Yeah, I reunited with an old friend. Her name's Maya, we were really good friends when I was around 11. We've started talking again, it's nice to have someone new to talk to after... what happened."

"I see," Jakub said solemnly, "A new confidant."


"Now this may be a sensitive topic for you," Jakub began. Camille immediately stiffened, "But I feel I must ask - Rudy. What's it like now that he isn't with you?"

Camille paused for a moment, her lower lip beginning to wobble.

"It's hard," she said simply, "I miss him. I want my best friend back."

"Best friend..." Jakub murmured. Camille's brows furrowed.


"Oh," Jakub leaned back in his seat, staring at Camille in sympathy, "You didn't know,"

"I didn't know what?" Camille's voice got louder, more panicked. The audience watched with open eyes and dropped jaws.

"Rudy..." Jakub looked back up at Camille, smiling at her sympathetically, "Rudy loved you."

Camille went very still.

"Of course he did," she finally stuttered out, "He's my best friend."

"Was your best friend."

"No," Camille snapped, her eyes narrowing, "Is. I don't care how long he's gone for, he will always be my best friend. Until the day I die."

The audience cooed quietly. Camille stared out at the crowd, looking torn.

"Camille," Jakub said, placing a hand upon hers, "Rudy loved you as more than a friend."

Camille went silent. She blinked, her hand curling into fists.

"You know-"

"Can we please stop talking about Rudy?" Camille's voice sounded tense, like she would burst into tears any second, "Please?"

"Okay, okay," Jakub relented, shuffling back in his seat, "Let's talk about those final moments in the arena, with Phillip Gilbert from 10. What exactly happened, Camille?"

"I," Camille hissed hair from between her teeth, "I honestly don't really know. I remember killing Ali and then," she shut her eyes, "Guilt, so much guilt. I tried to stab myself, I thought I was weak for stooping to the levels of all those other people in the arena. Then Phillip tried to stop me and..."


Camille's hands were trembling. She shoved them under her thighs in an attempt to calm the jitters.

"We struggled with the knife," she said slowly, "He tried to take it from me, I was trying to stab myself, then I..." Camille squeezed her eyes shut, ducking her head, "I didn't mean to do it. I didn't mean to stab him."

"We understand," Jakub said, "And I'm sure he understood."

Camille didn't answer.

"So Camille," Jakub said, adjusting in his seat, "What are your plans for the future?"

"Dunno," Camille mumbled, "I'll probably become a mentor, wonder how that'll turn out. At some point I wanna move someone into my house, I just hate the quiet too much to keep living on my own."

"I'm sure you'll have a great life," Jakub smiled, "Oh, and I almost forgot! Big day in a few weeks, isn't it?"

Camille smiled slightly, "Yeah."

"Care to share what exactly is happening?"

Camille turned to the crowd, smiling slightly, "I turn 17 in a few weeks!"

The crowd cheered and whooped. Camille giggled slightly, but it didn't seem particularly happy.

"Happy birthday in advance!" Jakub screeched loudly, "I think this interview is almost over, so we'll wrap it up soon. Anything else to add before you go, Camille?"

Camille shook her head.

"Well," Jakub smiled. He extended a hand, clasping Camille's hand and shaking it.

"The Capitol wishes you the best in life, Camille."

Camille nodded with a small smile, rising to her feet and waving to the crowd. Jakub stood up also, addressing the audience.

"Now everybody give Camille Garza a round of applause, the victor of the 200th Hunger Games!"

Jesus Christ it's finally over.

If you have any questions you want me to answer in the Authors Note about this book (just general ones, character based ones, etc) then please do.

The 200th Annual Hunger Games - The Ultimate GamesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin