Interview 3 - Fern, Hunter, Hope, Thomas, Misty, Daphne

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Universal POV

"Welcome back to the interviews, Panem! Please welcome to the stage Fern Steel, Hunter Williamson, Hope Surrey, Thomas Ellis, Misty Wolfe and Daphne Floyd!"

The crowd cheered as the six tributes walked onstage, smiling and waving. Some looked happy, whilst some looked downright emotionless. The six tributes took their seats, and then the interview began.

"So Fern, how are you doing?"

"Better than I was before," Fern admitted, nodding as if to affirm her own statement, "When I first got out of the arena it was... really rough. It's still bad, but it's been a few months and it's gotten a little better."

"That's good to hear," Jakub said enthusiastically, "What with losing Eve, and Shane-"

"Don't talk about them," Fern suddenly snapped, "Don't mention those two names again. You'll just make light of their deaths."

"I wasn't going to," Jakub sounded offended, "Why do you object to me talking about Eve and Shane's deaths?"

Fern didn't answer.


"If you mention Shane or Eve again, I will castrate you," she vowed darkly. Jakub guffawed.

"Woah there, calm your farm," He said, "Now Hunter, are you still planning on going it alone during the Ultimate Games?"

"Yes," Hunter said, "Valentina actually asked to be in an alliance with me, but then she took back the offer and went with Aria, Honour and the twins instead."

"Would you have accepted the offer, had it still been extended to you?"

Hunter shrugged, "Maybe, I don't know."

"Okay," Jakub said, "Now Hope! How was your trip back home?"

"It was..." she hissed between her teeth, a torn look on her face, "eventful."

"How so?"

"Well, my sister Riley is still with her boyfriend Justin, although it's a little strained," Hope explained, "Dad's living with them now, he had to sell our old house to make money for his medical treatment. I've lost my childhood home now, because my sister refused to sell her new house and move back in."

"That sucks,"

"She's not even taking care of him," Hope said angrily, "He's dying, and even Justin is taking care of him more than her."

"Your sister's a bitch," Fern said bluntly. Daphne's eyes widened and she looked over at Fern as if she was scared Hope would retaliate.

Instead, Hope nodded her head, a scowl coming across her face.

"She's a bitch," she agreed, "I hate her."

"Hate's a little harsh, don't you think?"

"No!" Hope snapped, "It's not too harsh. My sister is a terrible person," she turned to the camera now, an angry look in your eyes, "Riley, if you're watching this, I hope you know that I fucking hate you. Stop being so fucking precious and at least try and help dad. The world does not revolve around Riley Surrey."

The 200th Annual Hunger Games - The Ultimate GamesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin