Interview 1 - Aria, Honour, Xenia, Alejandro, Valentina, Beth

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Universal POV

"Welcome to the interviews for the Ultimate Games, Panem!" Jakub Jollyman screeched loudly. The audience roared, clapping loudly.

"For these interviews, we will be interviewing 6 tributes at a time, with 2 from each minigame. Our first set of tributes are about to board the stage. Please welcome Aria Reed, Honour Gilligan, Xenia Hale, Alejandro Hale, Valentina Curtis and Beth Gibson!"

The crowd roared as the six tributes walked onstage, in the same order in which they were called up. They sat down in their seats, and the interview began.

"So Aria," Jakub said, adjusting in his seat, "You had quite a scare at the end of your games."

"Yea, yea I did," Aria admitted, "Guess Fern just snapped."

"And how are you?" Jakub asked. Aria shrugged.

"Well, the scars are still there, but the danger is gone and the wounds have closed. They used crazy technology to fix it all up."

"Well, hope you're okay." Jakub said. He then turned to Honour.

"So Honour, how has life after the games been treating you?"

"Great, actually!" Honour said, "I've been training loads all year. My family is really proud of me, too."

"That's nice to hear!" Jakub smiled. Then, he turned to Xenia and Alejandro, addressing them as a pair.

"So you two... you have created quite a stir in the Capitol?"

"Have we?" Xenia laughed charmingly. Jakub nodded.

"Many people are barracking for you to win. You guys have lots of supporters."

Alejandro shrugged, "Well, that's what we like to hear!"

"What will you two do, if you are the last ones left? Just the two of you?"

"Then we'll fight to the death," Xenia said casually, "We both know this."

"Oh," Jakub seemed surprised at the bluntness of the answer, "Really? Neither of you will sacrifice yourself for the other?"

"No." Alejandro replied strongly.

"Oh," Jakub replied plainly, "Well, Valentina, I have a question to you from a Capitol citizen."

"Go ahead," Valentina smiled.

"What are these games to you?"

"Just that," Valentina said, "Games. Yeah, I have to kill, but it's all just a game. If I win, I go home. And I want to go home."

Xenia and Aria both frowned at Valentina's answer. Clearly, they had different view.

"Interesting view," Jakub said, "So will you 'career' like tributes be teaming up in the arena?"

"Yes," Xenia said, "Aria, Honour, Alejandro, Valentina and I will be an alliance in the arena."

"Ooh," Jakub said, "Interesting!"

"Interesting indeed," Xenia replied smoothly.

"Now, Beth, how are you?" Jakub turned to the small girl, raising his eyebrows as she stared at a speck on the ground.

"I'm Beth," she answered in monotone. Aria snickered. Xenia made a move to make a snarky comment, but Alejandro quickly covered her mouth with his hand.

"No, Beth-"

"Stop it." She snapped.


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