Train Ride

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Summer Clementine POV

The train grinded to a halt in front of us, and Tigerlily scrunched up her nose in distaste. I stepped onto the train, my hands entwined with Thomas’s, and the other tributes quickly followed. Harriet quickly marched through the doors to the District 6 carriage and walked briskly through. I glanced over at Thomas, my lips pursed.

“We need allies. This train ride is a good time to make some.” I said quietly. Thomas nodded, and stared out at the other tributes left on our carriage. Mike was chatting to Nick and, after a quick discussion, the two of them went into the next carriage, where District 6 were. Acacia’s eyes flickered up to mine, then darted away quickly. She too went into the next carriage, leaving Thomas and I standing alone in the District 7 carriage. Thomas sighed.

“I guess we go to the next carriage?” he shrugged. I nodded and walked into the next carriage. Harriet was chatting to Iris in the corner, whilst Mike and Nick were talking to Hope. Ali, Trevor and Fred were standing in a small circle, talking quietly. Cedric was sitting by himself.

Suddenly, the train grinded to a stop once more, and I heard noise coming from the back of the train. District 8 had arrived. Cedric immediately stood up and walked into the next carriage, obviously wanting to make an alliance with a District 8 tribute. Harriet and Iris followed him.

Thomas, ever the spontaneous one, walked up to Mike, Nick and Hope.

“Hi.” Thomas smiled. “Would Summer and I be able to join your alliance?”

Mike grimaced.

“Sorry. We don’t want too many people in our alliance. Good luck, though.”

Thomas nodded, disappointment in his eyes. He tried talking to Ali, Trevor and Fred as well. They didn’t want an alliance either. He walked back to me, looking frustrated.

“I guess we try District 5?” Thomas said softly. I nodded, and we walked into the next carriage. Gabriella, Travis, Marc, and surprisingly Acacia were sitting together in the corner, discussing something. Adele was sitting on her own, staring out the window. Dianna and Toby were sitting at one of the tables.

“I don’t really want any of these people in an alliance.” I said softly. Thomas nodded as his eyes scanned the room, but then his gaze stopped on the two 13 year olds.

“What about them?” he said quietly, pointing to Dianna and Toby. I sighed.

“They’re only 13, Thomas.” I said. “They’ll probably die off in the bloodbath. They aren’t strong or anything, they won’t be much help to us. To be quite honest, we’d be better off alliancing with the psychopaths from 8.” I felt horrible for saying those things but, being very young, Dianna and Toby didn’t stand much of a chance.

“Please?” Thomas whispered. “They look so helpless. I don’t want them to have no one.”

“They have each other.” I argued. Thomas slumped his shoulders.

“Come on, Summer.” He practically begged me. “They need someone to look after them. My brother had no one when he went into these games. I don’t want these kids to feel the same way.”

I sighed, looking down. Thomas’s older brother was 12 when he got reaped, and Thomas was only 11. He had told me many times that he had wanted to volunteer for his brother very badly, but he was only 11 and couldn’t. Thomas’s brother hadn’t made any alliances with anyone, as no one wanted to team with him, feeling that he was too weak. He died in the bloodbath, and Thomas had been devastated.

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