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Charlotte Brown POV

Ramona, Arwin, Chase, Eugene, Luke and I sat in front of the huge TV in our floor in the Justice Building. The Hunger Games updates were scheduled to broadcast any minute now, and we all were fidgeting nervously. Arwin sat next to me, and she was wringing her hands together and taking deep breaths. Suddenly, the Capitol seal flashed on the screen. Smiling at the camera was Jakub Jollyman, the Hunger Games host.

“Welcome, welcome, Panem!” he screamed happily. “I am your host for this year’s Hunger Games, Jakub Jollyman! We will be showing you some exclusive gossip among the tributes, as well as the ranks from their private training sessions! Are you excited, because I sure am!”

I rolled my eyes.

“Let’s start with District 1, shall we? The tribute who scored first in training is….. Aria Reed! At only 13 years of age! WOW!”

Not a huge surprise. Aria was definitely a force to be reckoned with.

“The tribute taking 2nd is….. Emmett Payne!”

Surely somewhere, someplace, Honour was swearing like a sailor. Everyone knew she had been pining for first or second in her District.

“In third is…. Honour Gilligan!” Jakub screamed.

Well, there you go.

“And now, since 4th, 5th and 6th aren’t all that important, I’ll simply be listing them. We only have a half hour broadcast, so I’m afraid this is how we’ll be doing things. Anyway, in 4th place is Damon Bolt, 5th is Demetria Krause, and lucky last is Scott Lawson!”

Lucky last my ass.

“And now, onto District 2! In first place is….. Piper Canturbury!”

To be honest, I expected Hunter to take first place. But he’d surely get in the top 3. That boy was freaky talented with a spear.

“In 2nd place is…… Hunter Williamson!”

Aaaand my expectations were correct. Alert the media!

“The lucky tribute taking 3rd place is……. Aaron Parker!” Jakub screamed.

It would have been nice if someone who WASN’T a career could place in the top 3, but whatever.

“And now, 4th place goes to Shane Schultz, 5th goes to Fern Steel, and last place goes to Eve Smith.”

There was nothing shocking about that Districts scores.

“And now onto District 3!” Jakub grinned. I leaned forward, and everyone in the room stiffened.

“In first place is……. Chase McKinney!” Chase’s mouth dropped so far open I was afraid it would hit the floor. Ramona laughed at Chase’s shocked expression.

“In 2nd place is…… Charlotte Brown!” Jakub crowed. I gaped at the screen.

“D-Did I here that correctly?” I stuttered. Eugene shot me a glare. Well, I guess that was a yes. Guess all those years of mock-fighting with my friends paid off. I’d become very comfortable with a sword in those few years.

“In 3rd is….. Arwin Yates!” Jakub screamed. I nodded. Arwin told me she had been doing archery in her private training session. Obviously, it went well.

“4th place goes to Ramona McMarthy! 5th is Eugene Daniels, and in last place is Luke Hodges!”

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