District 1 Interviews

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Universal POV


The TV switched on as the interviews started.

“Hello, Panem! Welcome to the interviews!” Jakub Jollyman screamed happily. The crowd roared.

“Lets start with District 1! Now, we only have 30 minutes per District, so that the 6 tributes will have to fight to be heard amongst the other tributes. So, without further-ado, lets welcome Honour, Aria, Demetria, Emmett, Damon and Scott!”

The crowd screamed in appreciation as the 6 tributes walked onstage. They sat down in the 6 seats, in the same order they were called.

“Now, let’s start with Honour. I hear you are participating because of a long family tradition.” His voice rose at the end like a question. Honour nodded.

“Yes. In my family on my father’s side, once you turn 18, either you volunteer or are shamed for life. Both of my parents are victors, because in our family, you must marry another victor. If you don’t the rest of our family doesn’t approve at all!” she said sternly. “My father himself went against the rules and volunteered at the age of 16 instead of 18. He still won the games though. And it was a quarter quell, too! The 175th year.”

Jakub whooped and grinned at her. “Are you following in your fathers footsteps?”

Honour nodded firmly. “Yes. I am determined to make it to the Ultimate Games.”

The crowd cheered wildly. “Good to hear!” Jakub said encouragingly. “I bet you’ll do amazingly!”

Jakub smiled and turned to Aria.

“So, Aria, how does it feel to be the youngest Career this year? It must be daunting.”

“Not really.” Aria shrugged. She flipped her long, dark brown hair and smiled confidently. “Age is just a number. I started training for these games when I was 8. So I’ve been training for around 5 years. I may be young, but I know how to fight.”

Jakub whistled appreciatively. “8? WOW! No wonder you were the top tribute in District 1!’

Aria simply smirked.

“Now, Aria, do you have any family back at home?” Jakub asked her.

“I do have my little sister back home.” Aria replied. Jakub frowned.

“Any parents? Guardians?” he pushed for answers, his eyebrows raised. Aria waved her hand, signaling she didn’t want to talk anymore.

“Alright then, now onto Demetria.” Jakub smiled.

“Why did you volunteer for your friend? I mean, she apparently wanted to participate in these games, yet you thwarted her plans for entering the games. Why?”

Demetria immediately bristled in defense. “She’s not right in the head! If she had gone it she would be killed almost straight away. Guaranteed!”

“Well, do you think you stand much more of a chance?” Jakub questioned. Demetria shrugged.

“Maybe. I am pretty good with a spear.”

“But you only came 5th in your district scores! That must be a bit demeaning.”

“Not really.” Demetria said. “The 4 who scored higher than me have been training much more passionately than I. They trained almost daily, and since I never thought I’d go into the games, I didn’t train half as much as them. But I did train enough to become pretty competent with a spear.”

Jakub nodded.

“Alright. Now onto Emmett.”

Emmett grinned broadly as his name was called.

“So, Emmett, what do you think will be your biggest strength in the arena?”

“My strength!” Emmett joked. The capitol citizens laughed at the, it had to be admitted, slightly lame joke.

“How far are you willing to go to win?” Jakub asked. Emmett smirked coldly.

“I’ll do whatever it takes.” He said simply. Scott winced slightly at his words.

Jakub’s head snapped around to face Scott, looking like a shark who had just smelt blood. “Scott? Why the negative attitude?”

Scott shook his head. “Nothing.” He mumbled.

Jakub continued to grin like a mad thing. “Alright, then. What type of arena are you hoping for? Grassland? Desert? Underwater?”

Scott looked up at the stands, where his mentor and stylist were probably sitting. They were probably gesturing wildly at him to say something that was longer than a couple of syllables. And apparently, he took the hint.

“Well, I’m hoping for trees. I’m a good climber, so that would come in handy.”

Jakub nodded.

“Ok. Now onto Damon.”

“So Damon… do you have any girls at home that you fancy? A girlfriend, perhaps?”

Damon shrugged. “Nah. I spend too much time training. I don’t have time for a girlfriend.” He scoffed at the last word, making it sound like it was the worst thing to ever happen to anyone.

Jakub smiled, clearly trying to not let this faze him. “Do you have any preferred weapon at the Cornucopia you’d like to see?”

Damon smirked. “You’ll just have to wait and see.”

“You’re killing us! Details, details!” Jakub said, sounding as though he were actually in pain.

“Well, think short ranged.” Damon grinned devilishly. The crowd began yelling out various possible weapons. Suddenly, the buzzer rung loudly

“Well, I’m sorry Panem, but that’s all we have time for! Give it up for District One’s tributes for the 200th Hunger Games! Honour Gilligan, Aria Reed, Demetria Krause, Emmett Payne, Scott Lawson, and Damon Bolt! Next, we will be interviewing District 2!”

The crowd screamed wildly. The 6 tributes left the stage, and Jakub winked one last time at the cameras.

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