
***At Jade's Condo***

8 o'clock, someone is knocking at the door. Jade's heart missed a beat knowing who was behind the door. She checked the final touches on the dinner table. Everything seemed perfect. She checked herself in the mirror at the enter and open the door. She was met with the brown eyes she missed so much in the last 3 years and so.

She wore the brightest smile ever and mirrored her lover ones.

They stood at the door looking at each other till Miggy pinched his mother.

A: "ouch! What the...?!  Miggy?" Althea shouted

M: "Captain Batchi told me to do it if you 2 get all kiss eyes again" Miggy said to his mother

A: "What? when did you speak with her anyway? " Althea asked

M: "I called her after we left the pride :') " He answered

They all laughed

Jade ushered them to the living room. There was playing Emilio. She introduced them to each other.

He fell in love with Althea right away. He kissed her with his charming smile on. It was funny.

They had dinner, chatting about some casual catching up.

Althea offered to clean the dishes and Jade reluctantly agreed. She accepted and offered to dry them while the boys were playing in the living room.


***After dinner***

They were in a confortable silence throwing each other little glances at each other. Althea started 1st with the questions

A: "so, tell me Jade, how are you doing?"

J: "hmm, I'm good I guess. I can't believe you are here."

A: "me neither. Guess I was right back then uh? Live will always find a way."

J: "I missed you lab. Like way too much."

The stared at each other for a minute or so.

J: "I'm not sure if I wanna hear about you and Cathleen. But I have to know right? What happened? I thought you were married by now."

A: "I broke our engagement. After we met at the park. I wasn't acting myself anymore. She knew that I loved you more than anyone before. She knew it was you.always will be you first place. I pretended that our encounter didn't affect me. I put a face and pretend to be happy with her. We started to plan the wedding for abroad, in the USA."

J: "oh I see. What happened then? Why did you go this far if you weren't in it 100%?"

A: "your father happened?"

J: "what did he do? Did he force you to call off the weeding?" (Panic and anger clear in her voice)

A: "calm down Jade. He didn't do anything bad to me. Don't worry." (Caressing her thigh south in jade's temper)

"Actually, he apologized for all the hurt he put us through. He did it for you and he was sincere. He loves you Jade. He's a parent. That day at the park, I let go of all the anger I was still holding back towards him. I knew that we had a possibility to be together."

J: "when did it happened?"

A: "almost 6 months after we met at the park."

J: "then what happened during all this time? If you knew that we have a future together. Why not coming back to me ? Why waste all this time ?"

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