Mr. Johnson- "I see. So, would you see your anger got the best of you?"

Bella- "No, sir. Are you married?"

Mr. Johnson- "That's not important."

Bella- "Going by the ring on your hand, I'm gonna go with yes. Would you not be mad if you wife cheated on you? Would there not be an argument?"

Mr. Johnson- "That's all for this round of questioning, your honor."

Judge- "Miss. Perez, have a seat."

I did as told and walked to my seat. I got a sip of water while the judge was talking. "Mr. Penny. Anything?" The judge asked my lawyer. His last name may be 'Penny' but he is no where near cheap. Mr. Penny stood up. "Your honor, Miss. Perez wasn't in the wrong to do what she did." He started. That other lawyer stood up.

Mr. J- "Objection your honor."

Judge- "On what account?"

Mr. J- "She started two fights and was charged with drug possession."

Mr. P- "She was provoked."

Judge- "Mr. Penny, continue."

Mr. P- "Thank you, your honor. Miss. Perez has been drug free and out of trouble for over four years. I have the records here."

Judge- *to the guy who gets all the things. It starts with a b but I can't spell it* "Get it please."

Mr. P- "Hands him the papers."

Judge- *Gets papers* "I see. Continue."

Mr. P- "My approach the stand?'

Judge- "Go ahead."

Mr. P- "I need my first witness, Thalia Santabez."

Bella- *looks back at Jacob, Ray, the twins, Zo, Loni, Craig, Rose, JJ, Mrs. Perez, Myles(yes, DJ Big Deal, because I decided to add him). All the adults are pissed.* *looks back at the judge and sees Thalia.*

Thalia- *does oath and sits down*

Mr. P- "Miss. Santabez, you were friends with Bella your whole life. After she completed her anger management, did she have temper problems?"

Thalia- "No, every time she was mad, she walked off to calm down. She did really good."

Mr. P- "And, was it still easy to make her mad?"

Thalia- "No, it used to be little stuff to set her off. After anger management it took a lot to make her mad."

Mr. P- "That's all, Miss. Santabez. You may take your seat."

Thalia- "Thank you. And Bella I would love to talk after your out of court."

Bella- *nods*

Thalia- *Smiles and goes to sit in the back with the 'crowd'.*

Bella- *Slightly surprised she is here.*

???- *Door opens and closes.*

Everyone- *looks back there and sees T and Kelli taking their seats.*

Bella- *Smiles and looks at the judge.*

Final Decision

This is going on the third hour but, they have finally reached a conclusion. "Miss. Perez. You are sentenced to 1000 hours of community service, 2 years of probation and to complete anger management again. We'll have everything filed and set up pick up your papers directly after you leave. That is the jury's final decision. Case dismissed." The judge said. I stood up. "Yes, sir."

We all left and I met up with Thalia first, right after picking up my papers. "What, Thalia?" I asked. "Bella, I'm really sorry. I really miss y'all. I worked on all my stuff. Do you think I have a chance to be your friend again?" She asked. I shrugged. "Give me your new number. I would love to talk but, I really have to go. I have kids now." I told her. She smiled. "So, do I. She's almost three now." Thalia said. I smiled and we exchanged numbers.

"Hey, baby." Jacob said, pecking my lips. I smiled. "Hey. Hey guys, I was not told y'all were coming." I said. They smiled. "I was not about to miss my bae's court date. Even if we had to bring the kids." Zo said. I smiled and took Charity. "Hey, Charity." I said. She smiled and started playing with my necklace. "Hey, Auntie Bella." Charity said back.

I hugged Kelli and T. "Hey, guys. When do you get here?" I asked. "Well, we decided to fly in from North Carolina for y'all." Kelli said. She's my cousin so, over course I have talked to her. "I see you growing now." I said, patting her stomach. She giggled.

We went to Jacob and mine house. We all changed into sweats and the boys had on muscle shirts and the girls borrowed some of my spaghetti strap undershirts. The kids were all wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

"So, how do you feel about completing all that?" Kelli asked. All the girls were in Jacob and I's room sitting on our bed. The kids were down stairs with the guys. "I don't want to do none of that shit. But, I have no choice." I sighed. We all group hugged. "I'm hungry. I am gonna go tell Jacob to go get pizza." I stated.

I walked downstairs and sat on Jacob's lap. I kissed him. "Hi." He said when we pulled apart. "I love you." I told him. He smiled. "I love you too." Jacob said. I started playing with his hair. "Will you go get some pizza?" I asked. He chuckled. "Okay. How many of what?" Jacob asked. I smiled and kissed him again. "I love you sooooooo much. Three cheese, three pepperoni, five cheese breads and five crazy breads. Oh, and we need drinks too. Oh and get ice cream please." I told him. He smiled. "Yeah, I'll be back in 20 minutes with everything." Jacob said.

Everyone went with him so, it was just us girls. "Uh, Bella, what the the hell is this?" Kelli asked pointing at something. I followed what she was pointing to. Oh, shit.

What happened? Bella's sentence? Thalia is back? You remember her? You wanna know who here baby daddy is? What do you think? Do you like the book so far? Vote/comment. Give me feed back, please. Y'all have no idea how happy and excited it makes me reading through the comments and seeing y'all voted. Let me know if you like it.

~ Hailey

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