We Are A Family

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"It's not my fault you flirted with her!" I yelled. Me and Jacob are having our first fight. JJ and Rose or at Santo's house with Prehia. "You're right because I didn't flirt with her!" He yelled back. I rolled my eyes. "Yes, you did! I saw you staring at her!" I yelled at him again. He rolled his eyes. "Her SHOES. HER SHOES. How is that flirting?!?!" He yelled. I looked at him. "Jacob, why would you be looking at her shoes? Quit lying." I said, no longer yelling. I don't wanna lose my voice. "I'm not lying, baby." He said, touching my shoulder. I rolled my eyes and moved out from under his touch. "Fine, be like that. When you wanna stop being a bitch and realize I love you and only you, let me know. I'm going to Craig's house!" Jacob yelled before leaving and slamming the door.

I started crying. I feel awful. I was being a bitch. I don't know why. Ever since JJ was born, I have been emotional. JJ is now two weeks. Jacob has put up with until he snapped today.

I decided to take a shower to calm down. It kind of worked. I went to take a nap after that. I couldn't sleep with out Jacob though. I decided to text him. He might not answer if I call. At least if I text, he will see it.

My Love- I am sorry, baby. I don't know why I think that you were staring at her. I'm just emotional. I'm not trying to make excuses, I'm sorry. Be careful. I love you.

He didn't text back right away but I didn't expect him to. I guess I could pick up the kids. I got on my shoes and drove to Santo's house.

"Hey, sissy. What's wrong?" Santo asked. I hugged him tight. He hugged back. "I got in a fight with Jacob." I said. He patted my back. "First fight?" Santo asked. I nod. He pulled me in the house because I refused to let go. "B, I can't walk. You gotta let go for a minute." Santo said. I shook my head 'no'. He chuckled picked me up and I laid my head on his shoulder. I looked like a little kid. My legs were around his waist and my arms around his neck and it looked like I was sleeping.

"Is she sleeping?" Ally asked. I felt Santo shrug. "I think so, but I don't know for sure." He said. I lifted my head a little. "She's up." Ally answered. Santo laid me on the couch and sat next to me. I laid my head on Santo's lap. "You're a comfy pillow." I said. Santo and Ally laughed. "What happened, B?" Santo asked. I sighed. "I'm a bitch, that's what happened." I said. "No, your not. What happened?" He asked again. "We went out and he was staring at some girl and we argued the whole way home and once we got home. He said he was staring at her shoes. I didn't believe. Put it this way, things were said, names were called, he went to Craig's." I explained.

"It'll be okay, B. It's y'alls first big fight, you'll get through it." Santo assured me. Ally agreed. Then my phone went off. It was a text from Jacob.

My Misfit- I know, baby. I'm sorry for calling you a bitch. I forgive you, if you forgive me. I love you. Only you. Forever.

My Love- Of course I forgive you. I'm sorry for blaming you and calling you out your name... 14 times. I love you. Always.

My Misfit- I'll be home in 5 minutes. We shouldn't fight like this again. We are a family. I love you, Bella.

My Love- okay. I know, let's not do it again. I love you too, Jacob.

I put my phone back in my purse. "Well, watch the kids so you can work things out. Pick them up tomorrow." Santo said. They were reading over my shoulder. "Are you sure? I could get them later. I mean-" I started to disagree but Santo cut me off. "Go and work things out. I will watch them tonight. Prehia is staying the night tonight anyway." He said. I smiled and hugged him.

"Thank you, Santo. I love you." I said. "I love you too, B." He said back. I hugged Ally. "Byeeee, Ally. Love you." I said. She laughed. "Byeeeee, girlie. Have fun." Ally said. Then she winked. Nasty. "Bye, Rose. Bye, JJ." I said, kissing their foreheads. "Be good. I'll see you tomorrow babies." I said. They smiled and JJ giggled. I told Santo and Ally everything they needed to know for the night. "Bye, Prehia. I love you, sissy." I said. I hugged her. "I love you too, Bella." Prehia said back. "Bye, JJ, mommy loves you." I cooed. He giggled and smiled. I kissed his forehead. "Bye, Rose. I love you. Help Santo with JJ, okay?" I said. Rose smiles and nods. "I love you too, mommy. I will." She agreed. I hugged her and kissed her before hugging her.

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