Chapter 15

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The rest of the school day went by fairly normally, besides Eren and Mika treating me extra nicely, which was lovely of them. When we got home, that was a whole different story.

It's not that Eren and Mika weren't being nice- the opposite, in fact. They were being so, so nice to me and they seemed extremely anxious for me to open my present, as well. So, of course, I did.

Together they'd bought me just one thing, which was in a small box wrapped in blue wrapping paper.I tore the packaging open, Eren and Mikasa biting their lips. What I found inside was...

A piece of paper?

It looked blank from the side I was looking at it, but when I flipped it over, I was met with the best surprise of my life.

Needless to say, I screamed.

"Is this what I think it is?" I practically shrieked at Eren and Mikasa. They grinned and nodded. I felt tears streaming down my face as I wrapped them in a tight hug. I couldn't believe that they'd done this for me.

Because on that slip of paper, was an appointment. An appointment for top surgery.


"But wait, there's more." Eren grinned, pulling another box out from behind him. It was a bit larger, but was still extremely light when he handed it to me.

"Open in." He smirked, obviously pleased with himself. Dubiously, I opened the box, in which I found another piece of paper.

"Oh my god." I said. "Holy shit! You are guys are the best. I fucking love you guys oh my god." I blurted out, my emotions taking over.

This paper was an official document. My birth certificate. But this one has "Armin" written on it insead of "Arianne." 

I think I can safely say that it was the best day of my life.

So far.

a/n: sorry for the really shitty chapter agh. It's super short but I didn't have much time to write it, so sorry about that. I feel so bad for not updating sooner ;-; I've just been feeling really shitty lately and have had no motivation to do anything. on the bright side, I'm ordering a new binder today! I'm getting a gc2b full tank binder, as I already have one of their half-tank binders. anyway, I hope you enjoyed, and I hope you're doing super awesome!

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