Chapter 2

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trigger warning: bullying

As I walked into the school, I kept my head down, hoping not to attract any more attention to myself, and managed to make it to my locker without any further confrontations. After stuffing my things into the small space, I grabbed my notebook for my first class, science, and headed off to the classroom.

When I arrived, there was nobody else in the room, so I sat at a desk in the back, someplace I wouldn't get noticed. Hopefully. When I had all of my things arranged, I pulled out a book and started reading. The one I was currently on may seem silly, but is actually really good, it's called The Heir, and is the fourth book in a series called The Selection ((yes it's actually real and is actually really good okay)), and I was thoroughly enjoying it. Princess Eadlyn was just about to go on a date with Kile, when a strange boy walked into the science classroom. I'd never seen him before, he had emerald green eyes and gorgeous chestnut brown hair, he was tall and thin and muscular, really just overall stunning.

I didn't mean to stare, but I must have ended up doing just that, because he caught my gaze and blushed furiously, sitting just in front of me. I groaned internally. I hadn't meant to embarrass him, I just got caught up in the moment, I guess.

I tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything, I'm just not really used to new people." I said when he turned to face me. "I'm Armin." I reached out my hand awkwardly, hoping he would shake it.

"I'm Eren." He replied with a smile. Oh good, maybe I didn't completely creep him out.

"Nice to meet you!" I said cheerfully. Maybe, just maybe, I could make a friend out of this boy.

{time skip}

The bell rung for my final class of the day, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I quickly gathered my things, hoping to miss Levi and his gang, who would undoubtedly be looking for an afternoon snack. As soon as all of my things were in my backpack, I dashed outside the classroom, stuffed some textbooks in my locker, and made my way outside as fast as I possibly could.

I guess it's just my luck that Levi and his gang were waiting for me there. Levi walked up to me, smiling sickly. "Hello, freak, what brings you here today?" He grabbed me by my collar and shoved me against the wall of the school. Despite his rather small figure, he was extremely, extremely strong, and lifted me up easily. My back was pressing against the wall, my feet kicking, searching for something to grip on. I tried to take deep breaths, but Levi pressed his hand against my windpipe, blocking my airflow. He smiled evilly at me, his eyes glinting like steel. "Have at her, boys." he said.

After maybe five or so minutes of his lackeys punching, kicking, elbowing and kneeing me, I heard a voice call out.

"Hey!" Someone shouted. It sounded like that new boy... Eren? I felt the grip (which had switched to my shoulders to prevent me from suffocating) suspending me release, and I dropped to the ground in a heap. My breathing was ragged and my eyes were closed, but I could hear the sound of punches being thrown and kicks being received. After a minute or two of this, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, and someone whisper in my ear, "It's gonna be alright."

a/n: I hope you guys liked this! it's much longer than the other one, and I feel like it's semi-well written maybe? idk. let me know if you guys like it, I'll love you forever!

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