Chapter 9

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Trigger warning: Abuse

After a few days of recovering in the hospital, I finally got to go home. Of course, Eren was with me every step of the way, and I couldn't have been more grateful. Honestly, I don't think I would have made it out of there without him. He stuck with me through all of the doctor's check ins, all of the blood tests, etc, and always, no matter what, made sure I was feeling good. And if I wasn't, he went and bought me ice cream. He was more than I ever could have dreamed of, and I was so happy that he was supporting me.

Anyway, after four days in the hospital, I finally got to go home. Eren drove me, and stayed with me at the house afterwards, just to make sure I had some company. After a few hours, he had to go home, but promised to come see me tomorrow, and said he'd take me somewhere for our first date.

Of course, I was extremely excited. I'd not even had friends much before, not to mention boyfriends, so this was incredibly amazing. I absolutely couldn't wait. However, that excitement faded somewhat when, at 9:57 PM, I heard the front door creak open. Shit, I thought, I forgot about grandfather. I quickly turned off my bedside lamp, which was the last light I had on in my room, and curled up in my bed to make it look like I was sleeping.

Thump. Thump. Thump. I heard his footsteps on the stairs up to my room.

Thump. Thump. Thump. I heard his footsteps in the hallway. My heart was racing, but I tried to keep my breaths even and slow, to keep the appearance that I was sleeping.

The door to my room was opened suddenly, slamming against my bedroom wall, causing me to jump. I looked over at the source of the sound and saw, of course, my grandfather. He was obviously intoxicated, and he looked furious. I was terrified.

{time skip because I hate to describe Armin being hurt ;-;}

After about 20 minutes, he'd sufficiently beaten me to a pulp and screamed at me about leaving him, and how worthless I was, etc. I was left with countless bruises and a few scrapes, including one on my cheek. I was lying on my floor, no motivation to move, until I decided to take the situation into my own hands, and call Eren. I hated to bother him, especially since it was nearly 10:30 at night, but I seriously needed help. After two rings, he picked up the phone.

"Hello?" He said groggily.

"Eren," I whispered, "please come to my house as soon as you can. Don't come to the door, just walk over to by my window and I'll climb out. Please."

"Armin, what's going on?" He said, still sounding sleepy.

"Eren, I don't have time to explain. Just please, please come. It's urgent." I started to choke up. What if he can't come? What if grandfather comes back? My breaths started to quicken, panic rising in my throat.

"Armin? Armin, are you okay?" Eren replied, sounding much more alert.

"Please, just hurry." I whispered before I hung up the phone. I got up, grabbed some clothes, which I threw in a bag, and put my binder back on (I'd taken it off to sleep). I then waited by my window until I saw Eren.

After a scary and somewhat painful climb down, I was wrapped in Eren's arms, and I couldn't have been more grateful.

a/n: I hope you guys enjoyed! poor Armin, he just can't get a break. don't worry, though, things are gonna start getting better soon! also, 600 reads! holy shit! that's so awesome. love you guys!

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