Chapter One

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I look in the bathroom mirror and sigh. No matter how good my binder is, I'll always have my girlish hips, high voice, and lack of... y'know... boy parts. My chin length blond hair and feminine facial features don't help either.

I continue to scan up and down my body until I feel I've sufficiently found all of the things that could possibly make me feel worse about myself.

I divert my eyes from the image of my disgusting body and put on a plain black tee shirt with some acid washed skinny jeans, and threw an oversized sweatshirt on top. After I've finished dressing, I step outside the bathroom into my room and pull on my black combat boots, then head downstairs.

I don't even bother trying to get food from the kitchen, it's not like I need to get any fatter than I already am. I check the clock. 7:25. If I leave now, I should have enough time to walk to school, so I grab my backpack and head out of the door.

As I'm approaching the school, I see the pack of boys that I've learned to fear in the past few months. I flip up my hood and hurry past, hoping not to get noticed by them. No such luck.

"Hey look, it's our favorite tranny!" one of them yells. He's the leader of the group, his name is Levi. We used to be quite good friends, actually, until he found out.

"Not just any tranny, but a faggot tranny!" another of them yells. I don't know his name, but I think it's Bertholt or something?

I keep walking, making a beeline for the front door. I hear them laughing behind me, yelling things like "tranny," "faggot," "she-he" and such. I sigh, clutching my books to my chest. won't they ever just leave me alone?

a/n: sorry this chapter was so short and shit. I just kind of wanted to get it started and give you guys a feel for what it's kind of gonna be like. Don't worry, Eren will get introduced in the next chapter. thank you so much for reading!

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