Chapter 22

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Well I definitely wasn't expecting this, don't get me wrong I'm excited that Cameron feels the same way but I wasn't expecting him too. He sank to the ground in front of me and tugged me towards him until we were at the foot of the bed. He sat down before pulling me on top of him so I landed on his lap. Turning so I was straddling him I stared at his t-shirt refusing to look at his face. Honestly I was afraid of what I'd see in his eyes, the truth of his words that would be reflected in his eyes.

"Jai, look at me," he said softly but I closed my eyes and kept my head down. He grabbed my chin and forced my head up, I couldn't help but open my eyes and my breath caught in my throat at the honesty and love that were in his eyes They sparkled looking lighter than ever.

"What do you say? Will you move in?" I didn't hear a thing he said, I just sat there taking in his facial features. He was wrong when he said guys weren't gorgeous because right now that's how he looked to me, gorgeous. I hadn't even realized I was leaning towards him until I realized he was leaning up towards me knowing what I wanted. I closed my eyes just as my lips touched his and I released a sigh of happiness. I pushed myself closer to him adding more pressure to the kiss and slowly slid my hands up his chest to the back of his neck. I revelled in how right we seemed to fit into each other, how in sync our lips seemed to move, like I was made especially for him and vice versa, I never wanted to let him go and I never wanted him to let me go but sadly human instincts acted up and we needed to pull away.

I opened my eyes slowly, taking a deep breath, inhaling the scent that was purely Cameron. He smelt like cinnamon, something that Clara uses quite frequently in her baking, it was a scent that I was slowly but surely becoming addicted to. "You never answered me," he said, his voice husky voice breaking me out of my reverie.

A slow smile slipped on to my face, "Two weeks, give me two weeks to talk to Maggie and Earl and pack up my stuff besides I'm still pissed at you for the situation you put me in with Bella so just give me some time to process everything and cool off," I told him, my smile turning sad as I finished what I said. It was true, I was still upset with him because of that but I agreed to move in with him nevertheless.

His face fell as he processed my words and he wrapped his arms around me and pressed his forehead against mine. "I'm sorry Jai, I really am, I never should have said that after you told me no but I don't regret saying it. I would have done all I could to convince you to live with me I'm just sorry that it caused all this trouble."

"It's fine Cam, you're forgiven, I'm just upset at the situation I was placed in," I tell him trying to ease his sadness. He sighs and the sadness in his eyes lessen but don't completely disappear. This is something he's going to need to get over on his own because I have already forgiven him.

"Where's Bella?" I asked curiously, I didn't know what time it was and I didn't appreciate knowing she was out in the living room on her own.

"Asleep, it's nine in the night," he said calmly.

I was asleep for nine hours, that seemed so unbelievable and so unlike me. "You hungry?"

I opened my mouth to refuse and a grumbling coming from below interrupted us and I flushed deeply and he chuckled and nudged me off him. "Are you better now?"

"I guess so, the doctor wasn't to happy with my pressure but whatever, I'm sure Sarah Day's pressure is high as well, raising a kid isn't easy."

He grabbed my hand pulled me in for a hug, "You're not alone in this anymore."

I smiled at him and tugged him to the kitchen, "What did you feed my daughter?"

"Leftovers." I stopped in my tracks and he walked straight into me, almost making me fall.

Mommy Dearest *Completed but Not Edited*Where stories live. Discover now