Chapter 11

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The next three days went by in a blur and in a routine. It was waking up early, talking to Bella, helping mom and sleeping. I had spoken to Derek once over the past days. He was unsure about going back home, afraid of how Maggie and Earl would take his presence. I tried my best to reassure him that it's Christmas time and his parents would love nothing better than to have him home, but he still has his doubts. Now it's Christmas morning and I have no idea if he actually went through with it and I won't find out till later when I call Maggie.  

I'm currently falling asleep at the table, where we're all seated, waiting on my brother and his wife to arrive so we can have our traditional Christmas family breakfast. I had barely slept since I came home, my mom overworked me these past three days, running around doing errands, cleaning the house, I just wanted to collapse and sleep for days. Where was my sister when I needed help, in fact where was my sister I had no idea. This morning was the first time I had seen or heard from her since I arrived. 

"Jaida!! I swear if you would go to sleep at a decent time you wouldn't be so tired. It is rude to be sleeping at the table!" 

My eyes snapped open at my mother's scolding and I sighed, "Sorry mother, I didn't mean to be rude." 

I shot my snickering older sister, Jasmine, a sharp glare, if she was around to help I wouldn't have been so damn tired this morning. I'm regretting my decision to come here, yea I missed my mom, when she was nice to get along with but now I'm so over it and I just want to see my daughter. Taking out my phone I sent a broadcast message to Ronnie and Michelle asking them to get me a plane ticket two days from now, I couldn't stay here for a week, three days was more than enough. I love my parents and siblings, I honestly do, despite everything that's happened and been happening but I'm tired, I miss my baby and my friends and I just wanted to go back home. 

That means I'm going to have to tell my parents the truth and now seems like the best time to do it since the whole family is here. It probably looks like I'm running from confrontation but the way my family is, everything will get said tonight and I definitely won't need to stay here anymore. After breakfast I suppose, I won't want waste a good Christmas breakfast and besides that way I can run off to go visit Genny before I go.  

Checking my phone I realized that both girls responded that I can get a flight out for tomorrow night and also demanding an explanation as to why I'm leaving. I message them back saying to book it and I'll explain tomorrow. I glance up to see that James has arrived, taking a deep breath 'time to get this show on the road.' 

The breakfast passed as all usual breakfast gatherings at my house would, my dad will stay quiet and my mom will praise my brother for his work and praise for my sister for doing nothing and make snide and crude comments towards me and question my ability to do my work. Now we're all just sitting around the table, talking, I was getting up to speed with what had been going on the past three months, 

"......and the other assistant and the nerve to tell me that I got fired because I couldn't do my job, I mean, can you believe her!" 

I rolled my eyes and sighed heavily as Jasmine talked about how she lost yet another job and how it wasn't her fault. Jasmine couldn't keep a job to save her life, our parents knew this, yet they encouraged her like she was never wrong, always bailing her out when she finds herself in trouble, it sickens me that I'm compared to her. I was getting agitated and I just wanted her to shut up so I can talk and get it over and done with. 

"Jaida how has your three months been?" My mother asked with an expression on her face as if she was expecting me to say something bad. 

Taking a deep breath, 'here we go', "Mom, dad, I need to tell you guys something."

Mommy Dearest *Completed but Not Edited*Where stories live. Discover now