Chapter 42

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Bella and I hadn't been home in a week since Cameron and I had our disagreement. He's called on numerous occasions but I usually ignore it or have him talk to Bella. Not that I didn't want to talk to him, it's just I knew if I did, I'd give in and go back home and as silly as it sounded, I wasn't ready to go home because it seemed like I was giving up and agreeing to his terms and I didn't want that. I wanted him to understand where I was coming from.  

"Isabella Marie are you ready for daycare? Momma needs to go to work," I said, rummaging through my bag to make sure I had everything. 

For the past week I had been working with Liza a little later than usual as she was finalizing the last things for her wedding next week and I made her take it easy for the sake of her baby. 

"Coming momma!" 

"Tell grandma bye bye and let's make a move," I told her, standing by the door. 

"Bye gramma!!" I shook my head in amusement as I heard the tiny footsteps running through the house. 

"Bye princess, you have a good day at school," I heard Clara say as she walked out the kitchen, Bella trailing behind her. 

"Bye Clara and thanks again for letting us stay here, hopefully it's only a week again," I told her honestly. 

"Oh sweetie, it's no trouble at all. I love seeing Bella so much," she steps a little closer to me, "And don't worry, Cameron will come around, he's a lot of things but he isn't stupid, he knows a good thing when he sees it and you honestly are the best thing that's ever happened to him." 

I smiled sadly and felt my eyes welling up with tears at her words and just hoped to all things good and right in this twisted world she was right. 

"Thanks Clara, I'll see you tonight," I told her before grabbing Bella's hand and heading out the door. "Momma?" Bella asked as we strolled down the street. 

"Yes baby?" 

"Does daddy not love us anymore?" I stopped in my steps and looked down. I felt horrible at how much Bella was hurting from this separation, it wasn't right to keep her away from Cameron so much. 

"Of course he does baby, he loves you very much," I told her, lifting her up in my arms. 'Me, I'm not so sure if he still loves' I thought to myself as I kept on walking. 

"When are we going home?" She asked, fiddling with my earring, something she did when she was younger. 

"Soon baby, hopefully very soon," I said, gently rubbing her back.  

"Is daddy going to be home with us?" 

I frowned and pondered, I honestly wasn't sure what Cameron and I were now. I hoped we were still together and I hoped that things between us were going to be good, "I sure as heck hope so," I whispered, more to myself. As a just in case precaution, I started looking for other apartments and with the new job I had more than enough saved to get a decent place for Bella, Genny and I, but deep down inside, I just prayed that I wouldn't need to leave.

One of the things I loved about Bella's daycare was it's location. Five minutes away from the restaurant, in case I needed to get to her urgently. That was one thing I didn't have to worry about, keeping my baby safe. 

I walked into the still closed restaurant to see Liza sitting at one of the window booths, reading, "Hey girly, did you drink your tea?" 

She groaned, "It's really disgusting why do I have to drink it?" 

I saw her wince from the corner of my eye and I gave her a sharp look, "You know damn well why you have to drink it." 

She nodded and I headed to the back room to make the tea, the truth was this tea really only helped with her nausea but I told her it'll make her baby healthy as punishment for trying to kill it. Liza drinking tea is quite an amusing sight. The vitamins her doctor put her on did most of the work but I was glad to see her finally getting serious about the life that was in her hands. 

Mommy Dearest *Completed but Not Edited*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt