Chapter 13

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Jaida: 3 years later 

"Momma!!!!!!!!" A smile automatically slipped on my face when I heard the high pitched voice full of happiness that belonged to my daughter that looked more like Samantha each day. 

I turned in time to see her jump straight in my arms and I spun her around filling the apartment with her squeals and laughter. 

"Yes baby?" I asked as we calmed down and I walked into the kitchen with her in my arms still to get breakfast ready.  

"What are we doing today momma?" 

"Well baby, I was thinking we can go see grandma and grandpa next door, then we can go to the park and how about we go see aunty Clara, we haven't see her in awhile, how does that sound to you?" I asked as I placed her on a kitchen chair and grabbed two bowls for us to have some cereal. 

She got a thoughtful look on her face before a wide smile appeared, "Like a plan to me!!" 

I couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled in my throat, "Well sweetie eat your breakfast and go get dressed so we can get a move on." 

I shook my head in amusement as I watched the little tyke run off with her bowl into the living room to watch her cartoons and eat. I couldn't help but think about how far we've come the past three years. I still haven't spoken to my parents or brother and sister but that doesn't mean I haven't tried. When I graduated earlier this year I sent the invitations to them and emailed them and called them but I got no responses and they didn't even bother to show up. Maggie, Earl and the twins and their families came and supported me and of course my number one fan, whose currently watching tv, cheered the loudest. 

My family wasn't the only challenge I had the past three years, Derek indeed did come home, a year after he left that Christmas. I was angry and hurt but I still forgave him and gave him a chance. We dated and up until January of this year we were fine until Derek freaked out about his irrational commitment issues and packed up and left without a goodbye once again. It's safe to say I harbor some bitter feelings towards him, I spent six months explaining to Bella where he went and why he wasn't coming back, it wasn't a nice process and I never want to go through it again. 

I slowly sipped on my coffee and got up to check my email to see if Genny wrote me. We wrote each other atleast once a week, telling each other what happened to us, making sure we kept in contact at all times. I told her about Derek and she laughed, yes my best friend actually laughed, she then said and I quote, 'He's an ass, if he's afraid to get to know you and your wonderful daughter, then that's his loss!' Genny is an amazing friend and I couldn't wait for when she came to live with me and Bella next year. I was excited for Bella to meet her, she practically knows her already the amount of times I've had them skype with each other. 

"Isabella Marie,let's get a move on. Have you finished you breakfast?" I called out to her while washing up the dishes. 

"Almost done!" 

A knock on the door interrupted my response to her, heading to open the door she came my way with her empty bowl, "Go put your bowl on the table and wait for me to help you get changed baby." 

Waiting until she headed to her room I opened the door, my eyes widening in surprise at the unexpected guest at my door. Cameron, a friend I made in university, who also happened to be Clara's grandson. Bella adored him. 

"Cam!! What are you doing here?" I ask with surprise clear in my voice. 

"Hey pretty girl," he says before walking right in and kissing my cheek as he passes. I'm secretly thankful that my back is to him so he can't see my warmed cheeks. 

Mommy Dearest *Completed but Not Edited*Where stories live. Discover now