Chapter 26 (Part 1)

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What the hell just happened? He actually apologized and he was sincere about it. I definitely wasn't expecting that from him but I did appreciate it. I had thought about it since I made the decision to leave. Reconciling with Derek and Ronnie. They were my friends, despite the problems with Derek, he was still a friend and I just wanted a stress free life and to not be bitter about it anymore. It's not right for our friendships to be over from a misunderstanding. It isn't fair to them, especially Maggie and Earl, they've done so much to help Bella and I.

I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I hadn't noticed Cameron standing in fron of me, "Hey babe," he leaned in to kiss me on my cheek, "You ready?"

I blinked and looked at him, confused for a moment, then it hit me. The date! I was so absorbed in what happened moments ago that my butterflies disappeared and now they're back with a vengeance, "Yea I'm ready," I told him with a nervous smile, "Let's go."

He grabbed my hand as we were walking down the hall to the elevator, entwining our fingers, I looked up at him, a shy smile on my face, "Did I mention, you look absolutely beautiful tonight?"

I flushed deeply and he chuckled as I shook my head, "Well you do," He twirled me slowly in his arms and I fidgeted under his gaze, "Breathtaking," he whispered, placing a gentle kiss on my lips before pulling me into the elevator.

"Such a charmer," I told him, trying to hold on to at least piece of my pride.

He chuckled and pulled me close, wrapping an arm around my shoulder, "I'm pulling out all the stops today, it's our first date and I'm going to make it the best one ever." Not bothering to answer him, I just smiled and snuggled closer to him, enjoying his warmth.

"Cameron Mason Fredrick I am not putting on that blindfold!" I shouted at him as we were sitting in his car in the garage because I refused to put on a blindfold.

"Come on Jaiii. It won't be that perfect date if I don't surprise you and we're going to miss our reservations," he said his voice pleading with me to understand.

I sighed in defeat and placed the blindfold over my eyes, "Fine, let's go."

I felt him grab my hand and kiss it before placing it on his thigh under his own, "Thanks babe, trust me, you'll love it."

"I trust you," I mumbled softly and smiled as he tightened his hand around mine.

"I talked to Genny today. She asked about where she was going to live when she finally gets up here, I will admit, I'm worried she won't agree with it," I told him, after some minutes, trying to distract myself from the fact that I have no idea where we're going.

"It'll be fine, she just needs to get here. It's foolproof idea."

"Alright, fine, if you say so."

"Yes I do say so now, leave on your blindfold, we're here."

"I hate you," I told him, teasingly.

I felt a pressure on my lips and before I could match the movements, it was gone, "I love you too babe." My heart skipped a beat at his words, like they always did whenever he said those words.

"Come along my lady, we'll be playing a game." I hadn't even realized he had gotten out of the car and come around to my side.

"What kind of game?" I asked as I slowly got out the car but still managed to stumble.

"Careful," he said, helping me regain my balance, "And it's a fun game trust me."

"You've been saying that a lot tonight," I mentioned offhandedly, "Why is it so quiet?"

Mommy Dearest *Completed but Not Edited*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora