Chapter 6

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It was ridiculous how fast time went these days, it was already a week before Christmas and I was suppose to be going home on Thursday, today is Sunday and I still couldn't decide if I was to go or not. Genny thinks I should come home so as to not make my parents suspicious but I still couldn't leave Bella on her own but at the end of the day I knew Genny was right. I wouldn't put it past my mother to hop on a plane and demand to know why I was absent for Christmas. I guess I just made up my mind on what I'm going to do, this may turn out to be the worst Christmas ever. 

Sitting in Maggie's kitchen drinking milk and eating cookies, I watched Earl play peek a boo with Bella. He may look tough on the outside but really he's a big softy on the inside and even though he doesn't say much, he's the right kind of father figure I needed.  

"Are you sure?" I glanced up to look at Maggie, pondering on her question.  

I sighed heavily "I gotta do this Mags, I hate myself for it but I gotta do it" she nodded in understanding.  

"We'll call you everyday you know, she won't even realize your not here." 

I stared at Bella feeling tears well up in my eyes already, despite what Maggie said, I knew Bella would realize I'm gone and that was the hardest part. "God this week is gonna suck but anyway, when I get back will Michelle and Veronica still be here?" 

Maggie's daughters, though I haven't spent alot of time with them, are like older sisters to me, they occasionally send me messages to keep my updated with their lives and I return the favour, keeping them up to date on Bella. 

"I believe so Ronnie said she spoke to Michelle and they should be here for at least two weeks after you return," Maggie answered with a thoughtful expression on her face.  

I nodded my head and drank the last of my milk, "Well if you don't mind I gots some shopping to do, I'll be back for Bella in a couple hours." 

Maggie rolled her eyes at me, "Just go you worry wart, she's in the more than capable hands of pappy Earl" she said holding back a laugh. 

I walked over to them, taking in the scene, they looked like they were having a serious conversation and a smile slipped onto my lips when I took in Bella's serious gaze on Earl.

I kissed his cheek then Bella's forehead, "Bye baby, bye guys, see you inna couple hours."


After five hours I've discovered I'm not a fan of shopping, in fact I despise the whole idea completely, but I still managed to get gifts for everyone but Maggie, Earl, Bella and the twins will get their's when I return. After packing the gifts away I headed back over to Maggie's with intentions of bonding with my baby. 

"Hey, momma's back!" I announced walking through the doorway into the living room where Maggie and Earl was, watching Bella. 

"Hey sweetie, how was it?" Maggie asked, looking up at me. 

I sighed heavily,"I despise shopping, its the worst thing ever! But I got all I needed" I answered dropping myself into a nearby chair.  

Bella turned at the sound of my voice and I watched affectionately as her eyes lit up when she spotted me and tried crawling towards me, making those cute little baby noises.  

I stretched over and picked her up, cradling her in my arms,"Did you have fun with your grandma and grandpa?" I asked rubbing my nose against hers. 

She streched her tiny hands up and trying to grab the strands of my hair that had fallen out of my ponytail into my face. 

"She's a sweetheart and welcomed here anytime, you both are" I glanced up, blushing slightly at his kind words. 

Mommy Dearest *Completed but Not Edited*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant