Chapter 8

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"Well Ms.Williams this little girl is in tip top, healthy shape and you little princess have a wonderful mother for keeping you healthy," Dr. Day, Isabella's pediatrician,told us when I got Derek to take us to her check up after we had breakfast. 

I found it rather strange that he chose to stick around and help me out doing errands instead of going to talk to his parents but I'm not going to push him into telling me what's wrong. We barely know each other. I honestly don't even know why I allowed him to come along today, maybe its because Maggie's his mom so some part of me trusts him but I have to focus, I'm leaving in two days so I have to make sure everything is in order with Bella.  

"Thanks alot Sarah, I'm just so nervous, this is the first time I'm leaving her and she's so young, it's upsetting me."  

Sarah Day, Bella's pediatrician and a good friend of my mine's, stared at me amusingly and stifled a laugh, "Jaida I can assure you Bella is gonna be fine, she's perfectly healthy, stop worrying so much and get out of here. I know how last minute you are, go home, go bond with your baby and go pack!" 

Sarah keeps me stable when I'm overreacting over Bella and that's something I've been doing alot over the past month and two weeks. I'm forever grateful to Sarah, she doesn't even know it. I smiled and said my goodbyes heading out the office with Derek trailing behind me. I leaned up against Derek's car, looking down at Bella thinking of what else I needed done when Derek appeared in my line of sight, 

"You're leaving?" He asked so softly I almost didn't hear him. 

I sighed heavily, "Yea, I have to go see my family. Your parents are going to watch Bella until I return." 

He scrunched up his eyebrows in a confused manner, "Why don't you take Bella with you?"  

I couldn't say I was surprised by his question. I took a deep breath trying to answer without going into too much detail. "Lets just say my parent's won't be as...umm...accepting? I'd rather not ruin my visit with an argument." Though one will happen, no matter how hard I try to avoid it I added mentally. 

He nods his head when he realizes I'm not gonna tell him anymore about my family, "Well what's next one the agenda?"  

I glance down at Bella whose staring at a nearby pigeon, I laugh and she stares up at me,  

"Well I have one more stop to make then you can drop us off at the park cause I've gotta be back in time for dinner with your parents. I'm sure they'll love to see you so you're welcome to join me," He stiffens after the last word leaves my mouth and he gets this closed off expression on his face. 

He cleared his throat and looked at me,  

"What's the stop you want to make?"  

I wince at the emotionless tone in his voice, "The cemetary, Bella needs to see her mother."  

He looks at me in surprise, "You take her, an almost two month old baby,to the cemetary?" 

I raised my eyebrow at him, "Of course! I want her to know that I'm not biologically her mother but I'm her mother in every other sense. I want her to never forget her real mom even though she never met her. I tell Bella stories that Samantha told me when she was alive all the time and stories of when I met Samantha, I'll continue to do so as Bella gets older, I don't want to replace Samantha and I want Bella to know the woman who made her." 

He gains a thoughtful expression on his face, "I guess that makes sense, not many people will look at it that way though."  

I smiled sadly, "I know but I don't want Isabella growing up and questioning why we don't look alike, I'd rather she knows right away and understand what's going on so at the end of the day she doesn't resent me for anything and for keeping things from her."  

Mommy Dearest *Completed but Not Edited*Where stories live. Discover now