Chapter 9

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Well I must admit I did feel a pang in my heart when I saw that disappointed look on Jaida's face when I told her I didn't want come over. Honestly its weird when a girl invites you over to her place when you just meet, she usually wants to have sex but not Jaida she just wanted to hang out and even if she didn't have Bella she still wouldn't be that kind of girl. She's different from other single parents that I've encountered.  

She knows she has responsibilities to herself and her kid so she does what she has to do for the both of them. It's pretty weird considering we just met but after today and the way she freaks out over her kid, it's just kind of cool, she has her priorities straight. 

She didn't realize I was watching while she observed me, I think she knew I'm hiding something. I have to admit, when she said her friend's name was Samantha, I freaked out thinking it was the Samantha I knew, fortunately for me that wasn't the case. The Samantha I knew I haven't seen her since the night she told me she was pregnant and she didn't know if the kid was mines. I walked away from her then and never looked back that night. I will admit, I felt like an ass for running but if she needs support I'll help her, I was scared, I'm not ready to be a father, not yet anyway. When I saw Jaida with Bella by the elevator earlier today I felt a guilty that I could have a child out there in the world somewhere only being raised by one parent. Then Isabella looked so much like my Samantha I panicked, thinking that the kid could have been mines. 

That's why I was so interested in seeing the tombstone, I knew Jaida was curious but she didn't push me for information, I guess someday I'll tell her but for now I'd rather not. I'd rather no one knew, not even my parents. I know for a fact mom would be disappointed and I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm afraid of her when she's upset. 

After dropping Jaida off I decide to pay a visit to Ronnie. She's the one I'm closer with between the two of them, Michelle acts too much like mom, it's freaky. 

"Hey Ronniee," I say as soon as she answered the door. 

"Derek!?!?!?! wow!!! you're not dead!" she answered back sarcastically, before pulling me in for a hug. 

"Wow Ronnie nice to know you still care about your baby brother," I say giving her a flat look. 

"Well when my baby brother disappears for a year, what am I suppose to say?"  

I was silent for a few seconds, avoiding her hard stare, "Good point I'd probably say the same thing." 

"Well anyway what can I do for you little bro?" 

"Can I stay at your house tonight, I haven't seen the twins in awhile," giving her a pleading look. 

I know it's weird my sisters' have twins of their own, Ronnie has a boy and a girl and Michelle has two sets of twins, two boys and a boy and a girl. 

"Sure Derek, come on into the kitchen, you better tell me what's really bothering you though because I'm assuming mom doesn't know you're here." 

I followed behind her into her kitchen and took a seat, "No she doesn't, I was going to show up today but I got distracted then I panicked." 

She gave me a weird look, "What do you mean you got distracted?" 

"Nothing, forget it. Where are the twins?" I wasn't in the mood to talk about Jaida. She points to the living room and I head towards there. 

I walk out of the kitchen to see Adam and Lexi playing with their toys, they're pretty cute and calm for three year olds. 

"Uncle D!!!!!!" Immediately I'm attacked by tiny fingers so I scoop each one up in an arm and I walk back into the kitchen.  

Mommy Dearest *Completed but Not Edited*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant