Chapter 14

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The competition ended. We had had a great day. I won my boxing match and gained two points. We had 31 points between us. We didn't know how well we had done compared to other teams so the results would be a complete surprise to us.

We walked from our bench as a team and collected out first place trophies. They were huge. There was one each and one for the studio. We were clapped and I saw Dan and Phil and everyone else's parents on their feet. We took our seats again.
"And now our chum Kiu awards" he said "third place... Master Blake's school of Wing Chun"
"Did we place?" I whispered to Callum who shrugged.
"Second place... Combat Martial arts!" He called and the three of us that lasted went and stood on the second place block of the podium with our smaller trophies. These were just personal ones.

After the awards were over we were each given a plastic wallet full of our score sheets which contained our points and critiques. We went back to the dressing room and picked up our kit bags. We were then allowed to go to our parents. I ran to Dan and Phil with all of my trophies in hand.
"Oh my god we are so proud of you" Dan said giving me a huge huge.
"Er Dan... Need to breath... Oxygen cut off" I said gasping.
"Oh sorry" he laughed.
"Well done Sophie!" Phil said giving me a not so tight hug. We went out to the car and put my four big and one small trophies in the boot and my kit bag on the back seat.

"I think this calls for a celebration" Phil said starting the car.
"What type?" Dan asked.
"Dinner out?" He suggested.
"Where?" I asked.
"Possibly Rico's?" He said. Rico's was the poshest restaurant in our town. It was super expensive.
"Or TGI Friday's?" I said.
"Really?" Phil said turning to me "you've just won four of your five events and you want to celebrate with hot dogs and milkshakes?"
"Come on, we'd fit in more there than Rico's" I replied.
"She has a point" Dan said.
"Yeah I suppose so" Phil laughed "but we're getting a posh table"
"The secret table!" I said in a fake gasp. At TGI Fridays there's a table that's used for parties or private bookings. It's away from the rest of the restaurant on a little balcony at the back. Also it's pull of cool stuff like motorbike statues and a space man statue.
"Defiantly the secret table" he said. We left the arena and I continued to read the critiques. I could so get used to this.


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