Chapter 9

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We headed towards to studio to find a bunch of kids emerging from the double doors wearing black baggy pants with black jackets on, these must be the students. We awkwardly walked past them and headed inside. We opened another single door and there was red and blue mats in a huge rectangle spreading out from one corner of the floor towards the door. From the door there was normal wooden flooring going from where we stood down on side of the mats to a door at the bottom and then from where we stood round a small corner to a alcove that was full of benches and chairs. There was three small rooms leading off the wooden path to the door at the bottom. One what's right next to us. An old man emerged wearing the same black pants as the students but was wearing a black hoodie saying Combat Martial Arts on it.
"Hello" he said holding his hand out.
"Hi, we were looking to see if Sophie here could sign up" Dan said putting one hand on my shoulder.
"Of course, I'm Master Dave. Would you like to sit in and watch a lesson or would you like to join in pans see how it goes?" He asked shaking my hand.
"I think I'll watch if that's okay" I said smiling at him.
"Sure, we'll you in luck because the black belt master class is about to start so take a seat round there and see how it goes. This class does go on for three hours so feel free to leave anytime you wish" he said and we took seats on the benches. We saw small groups of people walking in chatting and then they took their shoes off and replaces them with what looked like shin guards. They emerged from the small room at the end of the studio and began warming up.

We watched the class for an hour. I was so intrigued in the sport. It was so cool! I told Dan and phil that I wanted to sign up. When Master Dave sent the class off for a drink he came to speak to us.
"She'd like to sign up" phil said. We agreed that I'd come for an hour on a Saturday morning to start off with. I was more than happy with this.

When we were home Phil made us tea and me and Dan taught me how to play the piano. It started off with me playing a little song I'd taught myself on the keyboards at school but then Dan caught me and so he's teaching me properly which I don't mind. Phil's making chilli, I've never had it before so I'm excited to try that. After tea, we wanted to get to know each other more so Dan came up with some questions which he wrote down an put into a pot. We'd each take a slip of paper out and read the question aloud and then we'd take it in turns to answer. As Dan was writing the questions I slipped off to get changed into my pyjamas. I put on my pink, blue and white checkered shorts and my pink tank too then putting my big black hoodie on over the top. I pulled my door too without shutting it properly. I walked back into the lounge silently and saw Dan lying on his back with his legs wrapped around Phil's legs and kissing phil passionately. I didn't gasp or laugh I just very very quietly popped my head back around the door and very very very quietly walked back to my room. I busied myself taking my make up off and brushing my hair until it went static. I gave them loads of time. I understood that with having me around they'd probably have to limit their physical contact with each other.

About half an hour later I hears a faint knock on my door.
"Sophie?" Dan's soft voice said.
"Come in" I chimed. And he entered the room. I put my brush down on my new vanity.
"You ready to play?" He asked.
"Yep!" I said jumping up, I put my phone on charge and followed him into the living room. Phil was sat on the sofa in the place where they had just bee making out. I avoided eye contact and just sat down opposite them on the floor.
"First question!" Phil yelled excitedly, he drew one fromt he overflowing bowls "favourite animal"
"Llama obviously" Dan answered.
"Panda" I said.
"Oooo panda! Mines a lion" phil said putting the slip of paper into the table. Dan drew one.
"Most awkward moment" he said and laughed. One in particular springs to my mind at the moment but I shake it away.
"erm oh yeah, when I was in primary school and I was about year two, we were in the middle of a whole school assembly and everyone was clapping and my mind just went completely blank so I randomly raised my hand and the head teacher asked me what was wrong and I just put it down awkwardly and didn't answer. I just stared at her" I laughed, Dan joined in and so did phil until we we're cry laughing at my misfortune. This game continued until way pays midnight. Drank hot chocolate and ate food and laughed until our sides hurt. There were some sad ones such as losses and my family came to mind but we skipped past that one and I forgot about it in no time. I got into bed about half past 1 and I heard Dan and phil getting into bed next door. I'd always been asleep when they came to bed. I could hear them through the thin walls. They busied themselves getting ready for bed then I heard the sound of the light being clicked off then the bed frame banging again the wall which means someone got into bed. I heard a kissing sound.
"Good night Philly" I heard.
"Goodnight Danosaur" I heard the reply. I smiled in the darkness and drifted off to sleep.


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