Chapter 18

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"Hello guys, today I thought I'd film the 10 facts about me challenge thing" I said to the camera sat on the tripod in front of me. Dan and Phil were out in town getting some ingredients for our new videos. In decided this would be the perfect time to make a new video on my own. Last nights video had over a million views already! I had gained half a million subscribers. I wasn't using Dan and Phil to get views or subscribers they wanted to be in my videos and they did help me after all. People would notice anyway as my last name is their two names combined and I've been in multiple of their videos. I had toms of comment that I loved looking through, they were all really nice and supportive.
"So here we go!" I said. (If your not interested in learning more about Sophie then please skip this next paragraph) "1: I was an orphan until Dan and Phil adopted me. 2: I am 14 years old and my birthday Is on the 18th March. 3: my favourite food is cookies. 4: I've never broken a bone. 5: black, purple and blue are my favourite colours. 6: dogs are my favourite animal. 7: I am a black belt in Kung fu. 8: I've been living with Dan and Phil for 2 years now. 9: my favourite season is winter and 10: I want to be a Youtuber or a teacher when I grow up.

--- (you can start reading now of you skipped the last bit)---

I closed off the video and packed the stuff away. I scrolled through my social medias and then went into the living room. I began watching Friends. There was a knock at the door. I froze. Nobody ever knocked on our door. We never got people round a diff we didn't they texted us first. Dan and Phil have a key. What the hell? I turned off the tv and slowly approached the door. I could we the figure through the frosted glass in the door. I heard rustling and the sound of a wallis talkie. Police? When i realised it was police I opened the door normally.
"Sophie Howell- Lester?" He asked.
"Yes" I said confused.
"I'm Officer Parr, I'm here to collect you" he said. Collect me?
"Collect me?" I spoke my thoughts out loud.
"Yes, something happened whilst your adopted parents were in town today" he said, he suddenly began to look worried.
"What happened?" I asked fear taking over my mouth.
"Erm, we'll one of your parents suffered a heart attack" he said. My body hollowed.
"Who? What? When?" I asked.
"Phillip, he had a heart attack and Daniel had to phone the ambulance. I'm here to collect you to take you to the hospital to see them" he said.
"Oh my god, let's go now!" I said desperate to see them. I let him inside and ran up the stairs to the main part of the apartment. I grabbed my phone, keys, charger, money and my jacket. I ran back down the stairs and out of the door. I locked up and we went out to the chilly streets below. He opened the door of the passenger side of the police car and I got in quickly. We sped off to the hospital.

Once we arrived at the hospital my hands were cold, my heart was beating and I was sweating. The officer couldn't tell me anything about Phil's condition. He didn't know himself. He got me through reception and took me down a series of hallways and up flights of stairs until we came to the ICU. He opened the doors and took me to a room separate to the curtained rooms. I was scared to go in. It was fairly dark in the room with one little window looking out on a field with the blinds half closed. The room was quite long but not very wide. I looked down the room and saw Phil lying asleep. For a split second I thought he was dead but I heard the little bleeping thing that made my worst fear vanish. Dan was sat on a car with his head in his hands. I don't think he heard us come in.
"Do you need some company?" The officer whispered to me.
"No I think I'll be okay, thank you for everything though" I replied. He left and shut the door. When the door clicked Dan lifted his head and saw me standing there.
"Sophie" he said getting up. I walked over to him. My eyes began to water. Once we reached each other we collapsed into floods of silent tears. Dan wrapped me in his arms and sobbed into my head and I cried into his chest. We stayed like that for a good few minutes.
"We better go grab something to eat" he said "I can explain how we got here"
"Good call' I said wiping the remaining tears away from my face. How had this happened? How had my life gone from amazing to this?

Omg how many of your cried too? Probably nobody because I'm such a crappy writer 😥 if you have read this far then thank you soon much! Loads more to come!

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