Chapter 7

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We arrived back home and unloaded my new bedroom things. Dan ordered us a pizza and we sat down in front of the tv watching friends and eating it.
"So Sophie are there any hobbies you would like to start or continue?" Phil asked once the adverts came on.
"Well... I did dancing for a bit when I was younger but really hated it" I said "but my friend started martial arts a few days ago and said it was really good"
"Which martial art would you like to do?" Dan asked. He imitated chopping a wooden board in half with his hand. I giggled.
"She said it was called Wing Chun Kung Fu" I said. Dan pulled out his laptop and began searching for studios. We found one just around the corner.
"We'll go tomorrow and sign you up" he said. I thanked for the billionth time today and continued to eat my pizza.

A few hours later I was struggling to keep my eyes open. We were watching big hero 6 and Dan and Phil we're excitedly waiting for their moment. I knew they were in this film but I'd never got a chance to see it. When their scene came on they were shushing everything that wasn't making noise. They shushed each other about fifty times and then their part. To be honest I couldn't tell it was them but I was happy for them both. After their moment they went quiet and I remember seeing lots of flying then I fell asleep.

I ran down the dark street towards the one street lamp at the end of it. They were still chasing me.
"We know your secret Sophie!" They jeered "we know what you did!"
"No you don't stop it! Go away!" I yelled back at them but they carried on coming after me. I turned a sharp corner into a dark alleyway and pressed myself up against the wall. They ran past me and I breathed deeply. I'd lost them. I went to step out of the alley when I felt two heavy hands on my shoulders and they dragged me down the dark alley.
"Dan! Phil! Someone! Help!" I yelled, the person threw me against the wall and shook me hard.
"Sophie!" I heard a voice yelled, the person continued shaking me. I felt cold water being thrown against my face "Sophie!"
"Wh... What?" I said opening my eyes to see a very pale Dan and a even paler phil. Phil was holding a cup of water in his hands and Dan had his hands on my shoulders.
"Honey you were screaming in your sleep" Dan said and I began to sob. I looked around me and I was still wearing my clothes from today but I was wrapped up in my new duvet in my new room. Dan pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back until I stopped violently hiccuping.
"Want to talk about it?" Phil asked. I shook my head.
"Not yet, please understand, I'm sorry" I hiccuped again.
"It's okay, whenever your ready" Dan said "what do you want to do?" He asked. I caught sight of the clock. 3:30am. Dan was wearing a pair of red and black checkered pyjama bottoms and a hoodie thrown on. Phil was wearing blue pyjama bottoms and a plain green top.
"How about some hot chocolate and a movie?" Phil suggested. I nodded at that and Dan lifted me in his strong arms with the duvet still wrapped around me and took me into the living room. Phil went off the kitchen and then I smelled chocolate a few minutes later. God that dream was scary. What if they find out?


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