Chapter 23

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*four months later

We were back at the hospital. The plain old hospital it was. The weather was starting to get a bit warmed outside so I said goodbye to my black jeans and jumpers and hello to my white jeans and short sleeved tops. Phil had been in a coma for over four months now. We were worried. I had been going to Kung fu competitions still but every other week. I'd explained the situation to Master Dave and he was very supportive. The competitions I had been too were all pretty much the same. I'd been up for every event know and I was always placing. I'd always come first in boxing. It was easy to find my anger and afterwards I'd be tired but very relaxed. Alice would always win at kicking. Tom and Callum were both amazing wrestlers and they never placed below second. I was daydreaming about the first competition i won in all my events when a very formal looking doctor walked into the room. We were used to this. They'd check on Phil every hour or so.
"Mr Howell- Lester" he said walking towards us. I froze. This was bad. They'd always check on him but they would never talk to us.
"Erm yes" Dan said.
"Please could you step outside for a few minutes" the doctor said. Dan looked scared out of his mind. I grabbed his hand and gave him a supporting look. He nodded and went outside with the doctor. I sat there wondering what on earth was being said. Was he getting better? Worse? What was happening?

Dan walked back in after about ten minutes. His eyes were red and blotchy. He was shaking. I'm going to go with worse.
"Sophie" he said.
"Yes" I replied. He started crying again but continued to talk.
"We better go outside" he said and we exited the room "phil can hear everything that's being said and I don't want to alarm him"
"What's wrong?" I pushed on.
"Well, Phil's been in a coma four over four months now. Four months was his expected time to wake up. The doctor said that...that" Dan burst into tears again. He collapsed onto the hallway floor and a nurse came running out. I shooed her away. I sat down next to him and he began sobbing into my shoulder. To other people this would be an awkward situation for them but not for me. These guys have seen my scream myself awake at night and humiliate myself at a competition. The least I could do it comfort him. I was hanging onto Dan's words. What did the doctors say? It can't be good. I held him until he calmed down then decided to bring it back up.
"What did they say?" I asked him calmly.
"T..they s...said that if h...e doesn't w..wake u..p then they the ma...machine off" he stuttered and began crying a fresh set of tears. Tears sprung to my eyes but I blinked them away. Turn off the life support. Kill Phil. I can't let this happen. I took Dan back into the room and he held Phil's cold hand and started talking to him. I left and began searching. This was not going to happen.


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