Chapter 2

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Sophie's POV

I walked down the hallway to my bedroom, the sun shone through the dirty windows and made the hallway warm and inviting if you could get past the cobwebs and grime. I opened my bedroom door and sat down on my bed. Somedays I'd just like to sit there and think about how different my life could've been. My bed which was in a corner, was metal and the metal was turning to a coppery colour. My old faded blue duvet covers were sprawled out on top of it along with my single blue pillow. My wardrobe with only one door stood alone opposite my bed. My desk with a wonky leg was placed next to my bed and then finally my window which overlooked the dirty backstreets of London was on the wall where my bed was.

5...4...3...2...1...RING! I placed my laptop on my desk and headed out of the door for dinner. I heard the three stuck up brats Glen, Taffy and Maddie stroll out of one of their bedrooms. They aren't biological sisters but they act like they are. Technically we all are family but it doesn't feel like we are. I come down the stairs to see Joan slumped in a tatty armchair ringing the bell obnoxiously loud. I take a seat at the head of the table. Next to me was Tommy, I don't mind him, he's nice but he often locks himself in his room and plays his guitar all day. This drives the others insane but not me because he generally plays Nirvana, Greenday or The pretty reckless. We share the same love for rock music and yet like the same bands. Tommy has the attic room because he's the oldest. At the age of 17, he knows he won't be adopted and so he longs for the day he turns 18 and can leave here. Glen, Taffy and Maddie (or as I like to call them, The Bratz) are sat opposite Tommy. They are snobby, bratty and annoying. They are only 11 and 12 but they act and dress like they're 18. Glen generally strolls around with her 'designer' bag showing it off when it's really just a knock off from TK MAX. Maddie always has her hair in new and eccentric styles. Adding fake, brightly colour extensions and clips. Taffy is the youngest and she walks around wearing crop tops, mini skirts and heels that I know I would break my ankle in if I ever tried to walk in them. Joe and Harry sat at the bottom end of the table. Joe who's three lives to watch Harry, who's five, play Mario kart on his DS. Sometimes Harry would let Joe play but Joe would find a way to delete all of his progress so he doesn't play as much anymore.

Mandy, the cook, puts a plate of lumpy mashed potatoes, cold peas with some still frozen and a slab of meat in form of us all. We wait until she has gone. Glen hands out the plastic food bags and we all tear pieces of meat off the bone and put them into the bag. We'd all learned to avoid the any meat since the uncooked chicken incident last year. When we all have a bare bone of our plate we give the bags back to Glen who stuffs them into a tesco bag and then into her ginormous 'designer' bag. We then hold our noses and down our potatoes and peas. After dinner comes dessert and we all make up elaborate excuses as to why we can't have gone off vanilla ice cream as much as we'd like too. Not. 'The bratz' sneak out into town to give out meat to any stray dogs or we just dump it. As long as it's gone. I generally go and have a shower right after dinner then I settle down and watch some more YouTube videos. But since summer started two weeks ago, I've run out of YouTube videos to watch so I desperately wait for people to post more. Around 1:30am I put my laptop down and let sleep take over me.

A/N: so this one is really long and just to let you know they won't all be this long unless something dramatic happens, this was just an introduction to all the characters.

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