Chapter 22

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*christmas day

I woke up and felt the usual sinking feeling in my stomach. I only heard one series of snores through the bedroom walls. I knew there was only one body in the bed where there should be two. I knew it was just me and Dan. I got up and my phone alerted me that it was Christmas Day. I was determined to not let Dan be upset on this day. I out a smile on my face and ran into his room as I was about to jump on him I saw how he was lying. He had the duvet laid across his bottom half and he held Phil's pillow in his arms for comfort. His expression has dull and empty. I hyped myself up again and jumped on him. He turned into ninja Dan and he threw the substitute Phil across the room and it his dresser.
"Morning!" I yelled.
"Whoa... Morning" I he said as I climbed off the bed and stood next to him.
"It's Christmas!" I yelled dragging him up.
"Oh yeah look at that it is" he said. I let go of his hand and ran off to the living room. I began playing Phil's Christmas cd. When Dan followed me in he frozen when he heard the songs.
"Oh i wish it could be Christmas everyday!" I sung/ screamed "come on dance"
"Nooo" he groaned but I wouldn't let him despair. I took hold of one of his hands and started dancing with him. He eventually joined in and we started doing the most ridiculous moves. When the song finished we collapsed on the couch in fits of laughter. I ran off to make him some coffee to get him going.

When I returned I saw Dan with his head in between his hands and I saw a little puddle of tears forming on the floor. I placed the mug on the table and sat next to him. He didn't move.
"This is Phil's favourite holiday" I said "if he can't be happy about it then we have to be"
"Your a good kid Sophie" he said wiping tears from his face.
"I'm doing it for myself too" I said "now presents!"
We sat for an hour opening presents. I got a white Polaroid camera and some film, I got an iPad mini and a black and white case. I got a pair of black converse with white laces. I thanked him for everything and handed him his presents. I'd got Dan a black top that said 'I'm having an extestential crisis' in white writing on it. I got him a Delia Smith cook book. I handed him the presents that were from Phil. He shook his head.
"We should wait until he comes out" he said and I agreed. We got dressed and headed to the hospital. The entire and was decorated and we went into Phil's room. We laughed and told crappy Christmas cracker jokes to each other. We went down to the cafeteria and ate a Christmas dinner.

Nobody bothered us that day. No doctors coming in and out. We just had a good time. When we returned home that night Dan was compleat lay different. He had a new look on things. He'd decided that he'd make the most of his time with Phil. That's all I could ask for. And for Phil to wake up. We fell asleep that night watched the Christmas music channel. No better way of spending Christmas than with your family.


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