Chapter 16

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We drove home listening to the Saturday night radio and singing to every song even if we didn't know it, we'd make up lyrics. When we got home I had a shower and got into my pyjamas. We decided to watch a film. We scrolled through Netflix we came across the Disney films and Mulan popped up. Mulan was my all time favourite Disney film. But they'd never seen it! I was squeezed between Dan and Phil and we were all sat on the couch. In pyjamas. With blankets. Eating popcorn and chocolate. I was singing to all the songs and we laughed at Phil's Mushu impression (mushu is the dragon from Mulan, search it if you want)
"So tomorrow, we're wanting to film some videos" Dan said.
"Cool!" I said. I loved filming videos, it was hilarious.
"We want to film some for the gaming channel too Phil said as the credits began to roll.
"Can I help out?" I asked.
"You can be in them!" Phil said grabbingt the remote to turn off the tv but before he pressed the button the whole room went pitch black. I tensed.
"Immersion" Dan said as he turned his phone flashlight on. We laughed.
"What happened?" I asked as the streetlights all seemed to go off outside. I got up and looked out of the window properly. No house lights were on, no streetlights. Blackout.
"Blackout" I said returning to the couch.
"Phil" Dan said over my head.
"Yes" he relied.
"Candles" he instructed. Phil turned his flashlight on and went out to the kitchen. We heard him bumping around in there and he returned with three huge candles, four smaller ones and six tea lights. He placed them around the room and came and sat back down. "So what now?" I asked. They say its better to stay in one room together during a blackout. I guess we were already together.
"We could play a game?" Phil suggested.
"Really Phil, it's half past one in the morning" Dan said.
"We could sleep?" I said suddenly feeling my eyelids get heavy.
"Sounds amazing! Gold medal to Sophie!" Dan yelled.
"Aww I wanted a gold medal" Phil whined.
"You get a special gold medal" Dan said. We clamoured into places and fell asleep.


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