"Thank you!"

"I-I c-can't-," I pinch him.

"Ow!" He rubs his side," What was that for?"

"I couldn't breathe."

"Sorry." He blushes.

"It's all good." I get up and grab my phone. Four fifty four. "Hey, I've gotta go to work."

"Oh. Thanks Riley."

"For what?"

"For not breaking whatever hope I had left."

"You are very welcome." I smile," Now you can stay here and wait for Jen or leave and do something time worthy."

"I'll do something time worth." He says sitting down on the bed. I tilt my head sideways. "You said something time worthy and waiting for Jen is time worthy." He explains.

"Awww! You're so sappy. Why can't all guys be like you?" I over exaggerate. We both burst out laughing. "Well, I'm going to head out now. Touch anything that belongs to me and you won't live to see the next day." I warn before heading out.

I walk into the bookstore right on time. "Hi Kris."

"Hi, sweetie. How are you?" She asks.

"I'm great, how are you?"

"Well, I'm old that's one thing for sure." She laughs and I laugh with her.

"Not too old. I see you stringin in them boys." I wink at her playfully and we start laughing again.

After we sober up,"Sweetie there's a shipment coming in today. Just sign whatever they get you to. If you have time or if you want, you can open up the boxes and start organizing some of the books."

"Yeah definitely." I smile. For once I'll actually get to do something besides sit.

"Thank you so much." She says.

"Yeah no problem." I take a seat behind the desk and go through my phone.


Where are you?

Why aren't you replying?

Are you still with Luke?

Are you not back yet?

Can you fucking reply!?

There were a whole lot other ones like that from him and other people, but I ignored every single one.

Unknown ID

Happy early birthday(:

Who the eff. I didn't even remember my birthday's next week, October first. I'm seriously getting creeped out.

Suddenly my phone starts ringing. I pick it up," Hello?"

"Hey, Riley?" I hear a guy's voice.


"Riley! Why haven't you called me ever since you moved?"

"I've been really busy. How have you been?" I ask. Logan is a childhood friend. He knows my story all the way from the beginning. I grew up with him as neighbours and he's helped me through a lot.

"I've been great, so I wanted to ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"In LA where you live now." He starts off quietly.

"Yeah?" I ask not sure of where this is going.

"People put out millions for street fights." His words spill fast, but not fast enough.

Bad is an Understatement | ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt