Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The hallways at headquarters were cold at night. And I had forgotten my jacket.

After waking up in a cold sweat, I had found Mikasa standing in the middle of our room, partially undressed and looking at me in concern.

I had taken a deep breath and muttered that I'd had a nightmare, and that I was going out to clear my head. Despite her protests that it was after hours, I exited the room and made my to one of the many towers in the old castle.

Leaving without my boots or jacket hadn't been a smart move, but I wasn't ready to go back yet. At least the cold got my mind off the memories that were flooding back in waves.

"But it doesn't," I said aloud, "You're still remembering things."

I rubbed my goosebump-covered arms and started up the drafty set of stairs that lead to the roof. My head was spinning, my dream replaying over and over in my head with each step I took.

About halfway up, I paused on one of many landings to catch my breath. As I panted for air, I became aware of a faint light permeating the near-pitch darkness. I drew a final deep breath and peered into the hallway.

All of the doors on this floor looked to be closed, but one in particular was ringed in a corona of light. I moved towards the door, noticing as I did so that it was partially cracked. I peeked in, doing my absolute best not to make any sound.

Corporal Levi was sitting at his desk, writing slowly. His scowl seemed even more deeply ingrained than usual, the light from his oil lamp casting flickering shadows over his face. As I watched, I saw him set the piece of paper aside. A deep huff of air escaped his lips as the paper landed on the pile to his left.

He sharply drew a new sheaf of paper, and in the same stroke, he took up writing again. I began to back away from the door, knowing that if I were to be caught by His Royal Shortness himself, I wouldn't be able to move for a week. However, I hadn't gotten far when something stopped me in my tracks.

What stopped me was a low, pained moan.

I looked around the hallway, positive that the noise had come from somewhere behind me, but I was utterly alone. I moved back to the doorway, trying to absorb the scene before me.

Corporal Levi held a crumpled piece of paper in his left hand, while his forehead rested on his right. Roughly, he threw the paper across the room, bringing his other hand to his forehead. Another moan escaped his lips, and I saw his shoulders shaking. Humanity's Strongest Soldier was crying.

The shock of seeing this caused me to reel back again, ready to make a quick and quiet escape. However, since fate clearly had other ideas, my foot landed on the floor, which then emanated a low creak. My heartbeats grew louder as the room went utterly silent.

From inside the room, I heard the scraping of a chair being pushed back, then rapid footsteps heading toward me. Before I had time to move, the door to the Corporal's office flew open.

Within seconds, I found myself lying on the floor, my back stinging. The Corporal had me pinned to the ground, and was snarling in my face. His eyes were still red.

"What are you doing here?"

Instantly, my brain switched into overdrive.

Think of something. Don't let him know you saw him.

"I-I wanted to come to apologize, sir," I blurted out.

Great, I scolded myself, Now you have to think of something you did wrong.

He scowled suspiciously. "Apologize?"

I gulped, trying to think quickly. "Yes, sir. I was very disrespectful during the mission. I shouldn't have yelled at you and-"

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