Chapter Nineteen

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Eventually, our tears dried up, and I sat there, drained.

"So," Gunther said, "Hanji knows your little secret."

"Yeah," I muttered, "I guess I'll have to go home."

Gunther stared me straight in the eyes. I could see the electricity crackling in his irises.

"Not if I can help it. You're going to be in the army. You can't go back home."

"Gunther," I said, "I'm not joining the Garrison."

His face went white. "What?"

"I'm joining the Survey Corps."

"No, Ilsie, you can't. It's too dangerous."

I felt irritation begin to simmer in my chest.

"Gunther, I can do this. I've trained to kill Titans. I don't need protection."

"I just don't want anything to happen to you," Gunther said, "I mean, look at what you've gotten yourself into already."

He gestured at my ankle.

"Excuse me," I retorted, "But I was just doing my job. I'm a soldier now, Gunther. I'm not a kid anymore."

"I know you aren't-"

"You don't seem so sure."

Gunther buried his head in his hands.

"I just don't want to be left alone," he burst out in a muffled voice.

I looked at him, my face starting to drain of blood.

"You're not alone," I stammered. "You've got The Corporal and Hanji and-"

"You know what I mean, Ilsa."

"Don't you dare bring that up," I told him, "Not right now."

"Fine," he said, "If you're not ready to talk-"

"I'm not."

Hanji peeked in.

"Hello," she said, "How's everything going?"

Gunther stood. "Everything's fine. She will tell you whatever you want now."

My mouth fell open. "Gunther, what-"

He hugged me.

"Bye, Ilsie," he whispered in my ear, "See you soon. I need to go."

"Gunther," I started again.

"This is your chance to prove to me that you're not a kid anymore."

With that, he left me with the psycho lady.

My next hour was spent in silence. Hanji Zoe's time, however, was spent needling and prodding me for questions; all in the same cheery tone. It started to get incredibly annoying.

"I hope you realize you're not going to get any information out of me," I said.

"I seriously doubt that," Hanji said airily. "I am rather infamous for being exceedingly patient. I can sit here for hours, if need be."

And sit she did. The longer I sat, the more she jabbered on about something I could have cared less about.

Another hour later, Hanji calmly rose from her chair. "Well, since you don't seem interested in talking to me, I shall leave."

My heart soared in relief. I shall send someone else to speak with you."

My heart dropped in despair.

"Who?" I asked.

Hanji smiled. "I'm not sure yet. I'm hoping it's Levi."

"You wouldn't actually find the Lance Corporal. I'm pretty sure he could care less about this."

"Hmm." Hanji pondered this. "Yes. Levi will do perfectly."

Screw my life. Screw everything.  

Hanji left, humming.

I sat on my bench, stewing with anger. The last person I wanted to see right now was the Lance Corporal. I was pretty sure that he would find the ordeal incredibly beneath his station, and incredibly amusing. The thought of that made me even angrier. I felt my fist curling as I waited for Hanji to return.

It took her about half an hour to return. I drifted off to sleep once, but my dreams were restless and I woke soon after dozing off.

When Hanji returned, she was practically glowing.  

"Guess who I found?" she squealed.

The Lance Corporal stepped through the curtain, looking exceedingly put out. His face was nothing compared to mine.

I was doing my fair share of glowering.

"Alright, Levi," Hanji said, "Do your thing."

He gave an ostentatious eyeroll, a groan escaping his lips.

"You owe me big time, Crappy Scientist."

He leaned forward and came very close to my face.

"Listen here, brat," he said, "You are going to answer me the first time, and if you don't I will make you sorry you were ever born."

I was too angry to be intimidated.

"Sorry," I said, "What was that? I couldn't hear what you just said on account of the fact that there's a cravat up my nose."

I received a stinging smack across the face.

"Don'," the Corporal spat, "I have better places to be; better things to be doing. I don't have time for your load of crap. Just tell me what I want to hear, and I'll leave you alone."

"Why even bother with me?" I said, "Like you said, you have more important things to do. Be on your way."

"Not until you give me the information."

"Oh? A bit eager, are we?" I raised an eyebrow.

I was dealt another slap.

"Just give Hanji your name, brat. Your real name. And not some crappy phony one, either. I will find out if you do."

On that note, the Lance Corporal exited my curtained alcove, leaving the faintest hint of mint behind.

I decided right then and there that I hated mint.

Hanji turned to me.

"Shall we get this over with?"

"Fine," I said, finally allowing defeat to encompass me.

Hanji smiled in a satisfied way, and adjusted her clipboard.


Reluctantly, I opened my mouth and began to speak.

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