Chapter Nine

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Corporal Levi left two days later. I was glad to be rid of him; all he was was a huge pain in my neck. After he left, I wrote a letter to Gunther.


It was a relief to hear from you. And yes, I do want to kill you for giving me unneeded protection. I'm doing pretty well on my own, thank you very much.

So far, my secret hasn't been found out. The Corporal came on a visit to the training headquarters, and annoyed the heck out of me. If you ever see him, give him a good kick from me.

Anyway, I just wanted to keep this letter short. I still can't forgive you for running off on me all those years ago, but I'm going to declare a truce until I see you again. That way, I can give you a proper punch.

Best Wishes-


The letter was short, sweet, and to the point. I gave it to Shadis on the one day of the month we were able to receive and send correspondence. Shadis read the name on the envelope.

"Gunther Shultz? Who's that? Your boyfriend?"

"No, Sir," I said, barely maintaining a respectful composure, "He's a family friend."

Shadis looked like he was going to say more, but I walked away before he made a comment that would make me do something I would regret.

The next three years felt like a second. Corporal Levi did not return again, and so he faded from my mind. Before I knew it, our graduation day was two days away. People were beginning to consider which branches of the military they were going to join. 

I had always assumed that I would join the Garrison. The Garrison was fairly respectable and far less life threatening than the Scouting Legion. It was quite low-profile, which meant that I would be out from under my father's line of surveillance. It was the perfect branch for me, yet I felt sick each time I thought about my upcoming enlistment. 

Some people knew exactly where they were headed. Eren was joining the Survey Corps. The only person who didn't know that lived under a rock millions of miles away. Since he was joining the Survey Corps, Mikasa was going with him, because she was with him all the time, and so was Armin, because he had to make sure Eren didn't do anything stupid. Jean and En were set on the Military Police.

"Just watch, Igor," En said the second to last evening, "I'm going to join 'em, and I'm going to-to-to change the world."

He had managed to steal a jug of wine from the officer's barracks, and had managed to become quite intoxicated. I wrinkled my nose in disgust as he staggered across the length of the floor and then collapsed onto the nearest bunk.

"You are so drunk, En," I told him.

"No-I'm not-not drunk."

"Come on, you louse," I snapped at him, grabbing his arm.

I led him to the showers, where I turned the water onto the coldest setting and shoved En under the deluge. He started choking and spluttering.

"Hey, Igor," En stammered, teeth chattering,"W-why is it that you don't shower w-with the rest of us?"

The answer slipped out of my mouth before I could reach out and stop it.

"Because I'm a girl, you idiot." I brought a hand up and smacked myself in the face.

En tilted his head. "You're a what?"

I quickly reminded myself that he was drunk. I had had enough experience with alcohol that I knew he would remember none of this the next morning. Despite that knowledge, I crossed my arms.

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