Chapter Eight

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The stranger made a second appearance the next morning at combat training. He was accompanied by Shadis and two other leaders. Eren nudged me.

"Who's that short guy?"

I shrugged. "No clue."

Shadis shouted for us to shut up, and we saluted, the buzz of voices fading as the stranger surveyed the sea of trainees. His eyes met mine, and he raised an eyebrow languidly. I scowled back.

"Trainees!" Shadis said, "This is Corporal Levi Ackerman of the Survey Corps. He is here to judge you combat and gear skills in order to inform his superiors."

"What superiors?" I heard Armin whisper next to Eren, "The Corporal is one of the most revered and skilled men in the military to date."

I felt my stomach sink in despair. The man I had tried to attack the previous evening was one of the greatest men in military history. I swore under my breath.

"What was that?" Annie Leonhart was on my other side.

"Nothing, Annie," I said.

"If you were cursing at me, I swear-"

"I wasn't!" I hissed, "I was swearing at myself."

Annie was one of the best sparrers in our unit, so getting on her bad side was not desired. Annie raised an eyebrow and turned her face back to the front.

"I expect each of you to treat Corporal Levi with utmost respect, and that you each behave better than the slugs you actually all are."

I saw Levi nod, his face expressionless. I couldn't tell which part of Shadis's comment he was agreeing with; his need for respect or us being slugs.

That day, I was determined not to let this Corporal Levi mess with my head. I barely spared him a glance while fighting. My partner was Reiner Braun. Had I been sparring as a girl, he may have been gentler, but as it was, there was no hope for mercy. We faced each other, fists raised. As we ran at each other, my eyes pinpointed my strike zone. I backhanded my fist across his face. Reiner let out a guttural hiss of air, and retaliated with a blow to my ribcage. The air was shoved from my body, and I doubled over, wheezing. As expected, Reiner wrapped both arms around me: one around my neck, the other pinning my arms to my side. I took in a deep breath of air and kicked Reiner's shin with all the force I could muster. Reiner swore and took the weight off of his foot, giving me the opportunity to free my arms and crouch. I grabbed his biceps with my hands and flung my weight forward, launching Reiner through the air. I stood up and walked over, intending to debilitate his arms. However, my plans were thwarted by his leg, which swept around and knocked me onto the ground.

"Sorry," Reiner said, reaching down to help me up. I smiled and took his hand, then yanked him down to his knees, twisting his arm behind his back.

"I win!" I said.

Reiner swore again.

"Not around the ladies, Reiner," I scolded him, nodding towards where Krista and Ymir were sparring.

"Shut up, Igor," Reiner spat, trying to look angry and failing.

"You shut up," I said, giving him a kick, "Good job today, mate."

"You too." We shook hands.


I turned. Shadis was waving me over. I came over, deliberately looking away from the Corporal. I saluted.

"Yes, Sir?"

"The Corporal wishes for you to combat a more advanced opponent."

"Of course, Sir." As unfazed as my face may have looked, I could feel the irritation boiling in my stomach.

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