Chapter 47

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Maya Pov
Riley, Smackle and I have formed the sick club. All three of us have been puking ever since my wedding. Probably because we haven't had so much alcohol in our entire lives. Anyways, our fiancé, boyfriend and husband were sick (haha, get it? No? Ok, moving on) of us puking all the time, not to mention back rubs and icing our foreheads, so they put us in Josh and I's apartment. They gave us three buckets, a hugs package of ice, massage chairs and a box of Advil, since we're pretty sure it's a stomach flu. We put on movies, took out the jar of pickles (it's a thing we do) and watched Insurgent, Harry Potter, and What to Expect When You're Expecting. "No! Rosie's baby can't die! That's my favourite baby!" Smackle cried out, tears flinging out onto the sides of her face. We pretty much start crying when the sad music comes on in every movie we've watched. "Please tell me I won't see an empty jar of pickles!" Lucas states, covering his eyes, as he, Farkle and Josh enter. "Huckleberry. You are such a Huckleberry. Of course the jar will be empty, which is why we bought three!" I exclaimed. "Ugh," Josh said. We all laughed, only to make us nauseous again. Lucas quickly came over an held Riley's hair back, as Josh and Farkle did the same. I could see Riley smiling, as she was puking. That's my pumpkin. After we were done, they took away our buckets and threw them out, and cooked some soup for us. Aren't we lucky to have such wonderful men in our lives? Smackle excused herself to the bathroom, Farkle checked twice to make sure she was gone, then pulled out a velvet box, containing a huge sapphire rock, set on a golden band. I was just mesmerized. "I'm gonna do it at Mathew's party,"he whispered. Riley looked extremely excited. "Hey, Doctor Turtleneck is gonna have a Mrs. Turtleneck!" Josh exclaimed, getting us all into a laughing fit. Once Smackle was done I headed in too. I grabbed my pregnancy test from it's hiding place and took it.
I'm going to an extremely long chapter 50, so tell me all your ideas because you only have a few days!
-xoxo lovefanficlife

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