Chapter 4

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Smackle Pov

I stare at my one and only Farkle, we once were rivals, and now lovers. We've been dating for 2 years now, and it's been pretty amazing. We talk about things we could never discuss with our other friends, do the most weird but fun things, it just feels right. Something is off, though, all he does is stare into space. Right now, we are at Svorski's, and he's daydreaming again. He's been acting like this since we were at Riley's house after graduation, and I don't know why. He keeps on talking about how much fun they had, and happy memories of him and Riley.
"Farkle, Farkle what is the square root of 49?" I ask him, trying to get his attention.
"Uh, 21?" "No, 10, no, whatever, I DON'T KNOW!!" he shouted.
"Farkle what's wrong with you?" "You've never not known something your entire life!" I said.
"What's happening to me?" "Is Farkle going crazy?" He exclaimed with fear.
It somehow makes sense to me now. Constantly talking about her, staring off into space, concentration completely messed up, I found the answer to his problem. I can't believe this might be happening. Is Farkle still in love with Riley?

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