Chapter 38

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Lucas Pov
I was walking, well, wheeling around the halls, trying to find a change in scenery. I thought I might as well visit Josh, and I entered the room. He was pale, and a police officer was sitting on his bed. "Lucas, come join us, this is important," Josh announced. So I wheeled myself to his bedside. "You must be Huckleberry, Ranger Rick, Sundance, Hopalong, Ranger Roy, Moral Compass, Freak, Scarecrow, Bucky Mcboing boing, Heehaw, Harmonica, and Mr. Perfect?" the officer asked, questioning his words. I grin, and answer,"Yep, I'm guessing you got that from this guy here, my future Uncle in-law, his girlfriend likes to call me some Texan inspired labels." He just stares at me. "Well, anyways, we have the name of the shooter, she was well acquainted with the Matthews family, but we don't know her motive. Her name is Darby, and she apparently went to school with you, Riley, Maya and Farkle? What's a Farkle? Is that some kind of new slang or swear you kids came up with?" "No sir, that would  be me, Farkle Minkus," Farkle says, entering the room with Spider-Man and Root beer in his hands. "Oh, my apologies, Mr.....Minkus," the officer shakes his hand. I'm in shock, it was Darby? "But sir, are you sure it's her? She was very nice, even pushed my fiancé and I together. Maybe you should ask Yogi, her boyfriend, if she's been ok," I state. He considers it, then says," Darby did start crying in the car about some Yogi person, and was cussing like nobody's business." "Maybe Yogi broke up with her?" Josh wondered. "It possible that he liked one of the girls from your group, and she tried to get revenge from a broken heart," The officer answers. He quickly leaves the room and repeats our statements into a walkie-talkie. Farkle handed us the drinks and started the movie. It all looked so normal, but it wasn't. We all were thinking about how a sweet, innocent girl who loved a cute little teddy bear-like person that was Yogi. One night in her life, she destroyed everything.
She destroyed me.
I SWEAR IT WAS GOING TO BE MISSY! I thought about it, but it was way too predictable. Comment your thoughts on Darby!
-xoxo lovefanficlife

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