Chapter 16

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Lucas Pov
Today I was going to have a night with Riley, since she hasn't been feeling too good. She's puking a bit still, but she's eating again. Maybe we'd have another intimate moment, who knows. Right now I'm setting up the couch with Riley's favourite snacks; Ketchup chips, sun chips, maltesers, fuzzy peaches, caramel popcorn, orange soda, and milk duds. She said she was craving movie snacks, but she didn't want to go to the theatre. I'm ok with that, since we get to choose which movie we want to watch an get to be as intimate as we want at home. Riley texts me that she's here, so I go and pick her up from her car, since she's so queasy. As we enter my apartment, Riley immediately starts to smile as she sees the snacks. "Lucas, you really are perfect!" She exclaims. "Listen, I need to talk to you about something, but let me go to the bathroom first." She walks to the bathroom. The doorbell rings, and I assume the pizza delivery. I race over to the door, only to reveal Farkle. "So, why are you here Minkus?" I ask. "To check up on my competition, of course." he answers. I sigh. "Farkle, you are smart enough to know that Riley will pick me! If he wanted to date you, she probably would have gone out with you!" "Lucas, when I want something, I will fight for it. And I will never give up on Riley." "Farkle, stop! I can't believe you! After all we've been through, and you still think you're winning! Riley is mine!" "No she isn't! I will steal her from you!" "Lucas what is going on?" Riley yells. Farkle and I are shocked. "Riley, I'm in love with you, and I have been for the past few weeks. Smackle and I broke up two days ago, and it was mutual. Please, choose me!"Farkle says. "Riley, I'm your boyfriend! You are my love! If you are in love with Farkle then just tell me!" "I can't believe you two! Having a rivalry over me, like animals! Now if Farkle told me he was still in love with me, I would have chosen Lucas." "Ha!" I yelled. Farkle quietly leaves, with tears rolling down his cheeks. "LUCAS FRIAR I can't believe you! How dare you disrespect him like that! You know what? If I have to choose between you two like this, I just won't choose! I'm breaking up with you!" she yells. I'm shocked, but she adds, "Oh, and thanks for ruining my life, have fun being a teenage father!" and she chucks a pregnancy test at me. I look at it, and it's positive. OH MY GOSH. I'm a dad at 19.

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