Chapter 39

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Ok quick thing I'm entering the #wattys2015 (where you enter to get an award for your story) I'm entering the Beginner's Luck category, and I need you support! Please vote!

Riley Pov
I need to get out of this place. It's basically hell. Everyday, I am somehow making myself go to the screen. I just start walking until I reach my screen and I see my family and friends cry, suffer, and talk to me, a one-sided conversation. I keep wanting to scream at them, saying I'm here! I'm here for you, don't cry! But I can't, it's almost like my mouth gapes open, only to shut again. I can't make a sound. I've made some friends here, a girl named Mia who was in a car crash, and a boy named Uriah, who had a wall explode on him. Mia's parents died in the crash, so did her little brother. Uriah's brother, Zeke and his mother are still alive, so are his friends Tris and Four. I don't question the names, since, well, I've got a Farkle. Zeke has a girlfriend named Marlene, who got drunk and high (non-purposefully) and fell off the roof of a tall building. His friend Lynn was just shot. Mia has a boyfriend named Adam and her best friend Kat, who cry beside her everyday. So now we're here, watching our screens. Adam has just appeared in Mia's, and brought a guitar. Mia starts crying, and I walk over and hug her. Adam was singing her a song. All of a sudden, Mia vanished. I scream, but then her screen shows something. Transported back to Earth. Clearing data. I realized that Mia had chosen to wake up.
So could I.
I've had a really bad day, here's a bit of a filler. Not much, but still something. Love u guys❤️❤️
-xoxo lovefanficlife

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