Chapter 11

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Josh Pov
I see what's going on with Farkle and Lucas. They are fighting for Riley. I'm hanging at Cory's with Eric and Shawn. We're watching the last inning of Phillies vs Yankees. Lucas, Maya and Riley boo the Philies. Jeez, they are cheering for the WRONG team. Farkle buzzes, and Riley lets him up. Farkle comes in and gives Riley the same awestruck look that he's given her the past few times I've seen, and I see Lucas turn red. He turns Riley's head and pulls her into a long, hard kiss. "What was that for?" she asked, breathless. "Because I love you, that's all," he answered, pleased with his work. I am too, that kids got game! I could never say that, since Cory would basically murder me. Whatever. I feel the need to tell my niece, but I don't think Farkle will last that long. He's got Smackle, and he's smart enough to know that Riley would choose Lucas, her soulmate, boyfriend, future husband (Maya and I are betting $20 with Cory that they are getting married by the end of their first year of college). I hope they make it that long.

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