Chapter 21

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Smackle Pov
I can't believe Lucas and Riley are engaged! It was beautiful, how Lucas poured his heart out to Riley. Topanga called Farkle and I, and we raced over as fast as we could. Farkle told me all about the fight, but we made up. I still have feelings for him, and today we are going to Riley's baby shower together. I am holding his hand, as we walk up to her building. Maya planned a surprise shower, as Riley didn't think she needed one. Farkle and I are in charge of getting everybody in the house as fast as possible, and arranging hiding spots. "Hey it's Farkle and Smackle" we say, and Maya buzzes us up. We enter, and see the whole apartment decorated. Maya and Topanga are setting up tiered trays, filled with sandwiches, cookies, tarts, and brownies. The buzzer goes off again, and it's Lucas, Maya Farkle's parents, Riley's grandparents, and her Uncle Josh. I let them in, then arrange them in hiding spots. "Shawn, you go behind the counter with Cory and Josh. Katy, Stewart and Mrs. Friar go behind the tv stand." "It's Lucas," the intercom says and I let him up. He hides behind the couch, with Topanga, Auggie and Maya. I suddenly hear a huge groan, coming from Shawn and Cory. "Josh, do you mind? Too young for kissing, no kissing, stop the kissing!" Cory shrieks. I look over, and Josh is making out with Maya. "Penelope! Let him hide!" Farkle says. That stopped them. Farkle and I exit the apartment, to get Riley. "Oh, hey Smackle! Farkle! What are you doing here?" Riley asks, as we meet her in the lobby. "Oh, we were going to visit, but you weren't home, so we were about to leave. Here, we'll come up with you." Farkle says. Riley opens the door with her key, and we enter the dark room. "Mom, Dad? Auggie?" she curiously asks. I flip on the lights, and everybody jumps up. "SURPRISE!" they scream. "Oh, thank you guys!" Riley exclaims. "Hey Riles," Lucas smiles, and leans in for a kiss. "NOW WHO's KISSING?" Maya yells at Shawn. "Alright, Alright," Shawn says, exasperated. The rest of the afternoon was cheery and full of joy, as we celebrate Riley and Lucas's baby.

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