Chapter 42

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Hey, I would love if you would check out my new story, That Happened. It isn't a fanfiction, it's a romance/comedy story. Anyways, on with the chapter!
Lucas Pov
I thought she'd make it. I thought my princess was going to live. We would drive our kids to basketball games and piano lessons, watch their dance recitals, bake cookies and cheer them up when they were down. I still remember, I was talking to her stone cold face, holding her ghostly pale hand, praying she would suddenly open her bright brown eyes and gasp for breath. Then her hand tightened, and I thought she was awake. She held on with such grip, as if she was going to fall off a cliff. But then the monitor beeped, and they pronounced her time of death. 6 in the morning, on the dot. Funny how she died the same time she was born. Maya and Farkle came in next, and the rest of them did too. Soon enough we had to get 5 boxes of tissues. Today, I get to take Mathew home. But I still can't look at that hospital without bursting into tears. As I enter, news reporters flood the room. Confused, I push past them and head to the ICU. I sign Mathew out, then go to his room. I see a girl in a hospital gown, holding him. She was sobbing, but when she turned, I almost fainted.
I know, short chapter. But I got the message through! What do you think will happen next?
-xoxo lovefanficlife

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