Chapter 2

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Angel's POV

Why oh why did it have to be Jacob Black?

He is like the alpha of our pack's most hated enemy.

Sure they were going through peace meetings for now but who knows how long that will last. Even with the meetings the pack member hate each other very much. Our packs have been enemies for years.

'I should definitely stay away from him' I thought.

"But he is our mate" my wolf said.

"I know but our packs hate each other what will everyone say" I answered her.

"Who cares what they think" she responded a bit angry.

I honestly couldn't answer her and cut her off.

Jacob's POV

I was in the middle of eating my sandwich when all of a sudden the most heavenly smell caught my attention. It was vanilla and strawberry. My wolf screamed Mate.

I looked around and noticed one girl and said "Mine"

I stared and realized that she was the Blue Moon pack alpha's daughter. It had been our enemy for ages. Even though I hated her pack I found her very beautiful. The way her brown hair circled her face. Her beautiful features. Everything about her screamed cute.

I saw that she was looking away. I tried listening to her thoughts since she was my mate and I could hear her internal war with her wolf.

'Did she really not want me as a mate that much?' I thought.

"Go talk to her" my wolf said.

"But she is surrounded by her brothers" I responded.

"Oh be a man" my wolf replied.

I got up and headed towards her.

I held her wrist and spoke,"We need to talk." 

 Suddenly, someone held my wrist roughly.

"Get your hand off my sister or you won't have a hand." threatened her brother.

"If I end up without a hand you will end up without a head." I answered back.

"Yeah well if he ends up without a head you will end up without a life." said my mate and I could hear the anger in her voice.

Angel's POV

"Yeah well if he ends up with a head you will end up without a life."I said now irritated. I don't care if he was my mate or not but no one and I mean no one speaks to my brother that way.

"Tyler lets just go."I said as he let go of Jacobs hand and we walked away.

"I can't believe you just did that." said my wolf scolding me.

"Yeah well my brother comes before my mate." I replied annoyed about the fact that she was defending Jacob.

School passed quickly and I was walking towards out car when a cloth was kept over my eyes and I was pulled away.

I was going to scream but there was a hand over my mouth. I heard a car door open and I was kept on the chair and my seat belt was put for me. I heard a door open again then close and I could smell the scent again. I knew it was 'him'

"Are you kidding me? This is no way to treat a lady." I said annoyed while taking the blind fold off.

"Well my apologies but it was the only way I could talk to you." He replied

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Like I said I wanted to talk. You know about us."he answered.

He suddenly held my hand making sparks erupt."W-What are you doing?" I said shocked.

"I know that our packs hate each other but can you at least give me a chance?"he asked and I could hear sincerity in his voice. "Please think about it."he said as the car stopped.

I noticed that we were at my home now. I got out without looking back and headed in.

"Where were you?" Tyler screamed his face filled with worry.

"I'm sorry I went out for a run and forgot to tell you." I lied.

"Well at least you are ok. Don't ever scare me like that again." he said. I nodded and headed up stairs.

I finished my homework. I skipped dinner and decided to go to sleep. I put on my pjs and climbed into bed. All I could think of was what Jacob had said.



So here is the second chapter.

I hope you like it!!!

Please Vote, comment and share!!! ~ Fawzia

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