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It had been three months since he made it out.

He had returned to the apartment, immediately noticing how empty it felt without his new friend. Everything had become coated in the thinnest layer of dust, even his precious Sup Guy. He approached and swept it into his arms, cradling it against him tightly and sobbing gently. Wiping his tears on the plush, he moved over to the cabinet, grabbing a vacuum cleaner and setting to work, powering it himself. The bedroom was the hardest for him to clean, images of Felix arising everywhere he looked. He managed after a while, putting the vacuum away and pulling out his bag of money and clothes. They were placed on the couch as he looked up at the ceiling, seeing the black marks he had stained the walls with. Tears pricked at his eyes and he curled up, crying properly for the first time since Felix had been gone.

Cry had managed to get a hold of Felix’s bank details and other assorted things, placing the money from before in them to pay for all the bills. He had also taken Felix’s old job, reading books to the small children. It helped with his Swedish, something he was grateful for although each time he read something, he would always see Felix reading it, causing a pang in his heart.

At night, he would sit in Felix’s bed, mug of hot chocolate steaming in his hands and think, letting everything the Swede had ever said to him wash over his mind, from their first meeting to their final farewell, he relived it each night.

The morning sun was bright, streaming in and raising him from his rest much too easily. Cry yawned, sitting up in the bed and slowly removing himself. Stretching weakly, he let his electrical aura surround him fully, levitating his body and moving it out into the main area. Electrical tendrils flew off to grab his breakfast and drink as he slowly drifted along. He moved to the phone, staring at it for minutes on end before reaching forward. Lifting it to his ear, he heard the dull dial tone and sighed.

“I miss you...” He whispered into it.

Eyes widened and a loud clatter echoed in the room. Broken glasses and porcelain lay on the floor as tendrils vanished from sight. Cry’s body shook and his lip trembled greatly as he clutched the phone close to his ear.

“I miss you too”

Electric Heart (Cryaotic)Where stories live. Discover now