Chapter 22

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And so they read. While the words were strange in the book and the voices Felix used made no sense, Cry still found himself grinning wildly as he watched the Swede recount the tale of what seemed to be a dragon and a young, brave princess coming to save the prince of the strongest kingdom. Growls and shouts rose from Felix’s throat as he acted out dramatic scenes while children giggled and laughed as they joined in. It seemed nice, to be young and have these things told to you. It would have been a lie if Cry had said he was not jealous in the slightest of these children. They were told stories and showered in kisses as they were tucked into bed. He was told about how he was ‘The best test subject’ as they strapped him into metal chairs and prodded him with needles. So yes, jealousy was rife but ignored as he just dwelled in the joy he felt right then and there.

The book was shut and the children cheered, standing up and quickly rushing to different areas of the winding labyrinth while Felix just stood and cleared his throat.

“Gave us quite a scare back there” The Swede stated, making Cry flinch. His hands flew to cover his head as his body curled up. His head was pressed into his knees, as if the lack of sight would protect him in some way. Instead of a harsh hit, a gentle hand settled on his head and gently stroked at the hair, fingers twirling in the strands. “The kids were afraid that the book wouldn’t end” He soothed. Cry’s head lifted, looking at Felix to see him smile so gently at him. It warmed him inside, chasing away all fears that he had. His arms moved, snaking around Felix’s form and holding onto him tightly.

“Thanks Felix...” He murmured, holding onto the Swede. Felix chuckled, wrapping his arms around Cry as well.

“What are you thanking me for?” He asked with a chuckle. Cry didn’t reply, just remained holding Felix which caused the Swede to sigh. “Come on you, let’s get some early lunch”

“Oh! I’ll treat!” Cry stated quickly, releasing Felix and ruffling around in his pocket, pulling out one of his notes. Eyes widened and mouth moved without sound as Felix took the note, looking at it. He trailed his fingers along, checking every little bit for legitimacy.

“Where... did you get this?” He asked, looking to Cry.

“I found a lump of gold. I saw it in a book and knew it was worth money” He explained. Felix looked at him for a moment before chuckling and pocketing the note.

“Come on, let’s eat” He said, standing and pulling Cry along with him, out of the labyrinth and onto the street.

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