Chapter 14

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“My name... is Subject Zero point three two electric. I was taken at the age of five from my home. Mother was asleep when the men took me. She was an insomniac so she was on some strong medication. They took me far away, telling me that mother had arranged for me to go on this fun trip to play some games.” A pause was made as Cry chuckled dryly, eyes narrowing. “What a fun trip that was...”

“What... happened?” Pewds found himself asking. His eyes widened as he watched Cry stare at him, feral grin slowly creeping onto his face and a crazed look growing in his eye.

“What happened? WHAT HAPPENED? THEY STRAPPED ME TO A CHAIR!” He began to shout, slamming both fists on the table and causing the mug of milk to jump and spill small droplets on the table yet Pewds did not care for the mess at that moment. He cared more about the blunder he had just made and the effect it was about to unleash.

“I was strapped to a chair and pumped full of electricity! For some reason, at home I was able to make small electric sparks with the powerpoints and they found out” The tone of voice was like that of a mental patient, recounting their moments before insanity took them in its firm grip and claimed them as a part of it.

“I was strapped to the chair” He repeated. “They turned on the generator and pumped me to the brim with electricity. I ‘Exploded’... When I regained my sight, I found myself in that experiment room with broken glass surrounding me and corpses. I was five.” Another pause began yet Pewds did not speak. Cry sighed but continued with his story, hands grasping the mug tightly.

“The scientists then discovered my full ability... and decided to see how far they could push it. I was strapped into the chair to stop me having an episode and pumped with more electricity - The full lot. They worked until the generators ran dry. After each session, I was thrown into a cell with a scratchy blanket and told to be silent. They ran sessions on me every second day, sometimes it even took three days when I was lucky. Adrenaline never stopped flowing in me. I was always on adrenaline. I always ached and, more often than not, I wished to die, hoping it would free me from my pain.”

“-But it’s okay now” Pewds cut in, making Cry stare at him. “Because you got out. You made it. You’re free” A smile was on his lips as he watched Cry’s form tremble again. He stood from his chair and wrapped arms around Cry, comforting him while he gently sobbed into his shirt. “You’re tough” Pewds said with that voice Cry loved.

“In truth, I haven’t been completely honest with you. The name’s Felix. Pewds is just a nickname.”

“Well, I had a name before I was taken in. It was R-” His words were halted by a finger pressed to his mouth.

“You’ve told me enough about yourself. I need to tell you more about me before you do again. So we’re even?” Felix asked, tilting his head a little. Cry nodded and smiled. Felix looked funny with his head tilted.

“I’ll make some dinner. You sit here” The Swede stated although his tone was kind enough to not make it seem like a statement. Cry nodded.

“Dinner huh...” He muttered to himself.

Well, as long as it wasn’t stale oatmeal he would be content.

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