Chapter 39

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“I’m here, come on”

No further words were needed as Felix grasped Cry’s hand tightly and tugged him along. He stumbled, feet and legs not used to holding up his own weight as he was dragged yet with every step, he felt himself growing stronger. His heart beat furiously and his breaths began quick as he and Felix kept running through the labyrinth of corridors that comprised the building.

“Come on!” Felix shouted as they reached the stairs, feet slamming down on them. Cry felt his skin break and blood drip yet he forced himself onwards. Even when he tripped, he forced his body onwards to recover and keep moving. Bloodied footprints began to trail them yet no notice was taken as they hurried along, trying to run from the shouts that surrounded them on all sides. A bullet whizzed past them from below, making Cry wince as it grazed his arm.

“You alright?” Felix asked with alarm but Cry did not answer, merely pushing past and continuing on, trailed by the other.

Their feet slammed heavily on the metal as the thunderous footsteps of their pursuers chased relentlessly. It echoed in their ears and Cry panicked, swing his hand down to bring a bolt across to the chasers, shocking some but not all, to his dismay.

“Keep running!” Felix screamed, grabbing Cry’s hand and dragging him along, noting he was lagging behind. The footsteps behind them grew louder, alerting them to the fact they were getting closer.

“Felix! Come on, we can make it!” Cry shouted, putting in one last burst of strength to reach the doors.

“No” The Swede said. “But you will”

“Wh-” Cry’s words were cut short as Felix pushed him out of the door. Cry’s eyes widened, staring into Felix’s panicked, frightened ones as his hand slammed on a button on the side.

“NO!” The word tore from Cry’s throat as he registered what that button was.

It was the emergency button.

The doors were never going to open again.

The door slammed shut, sealing closed. Cry just stood there, dumbfounded for a moment before his mind clicked over. He ran to it, slamming his fist on the door and screaming, calling Felix’s name frantically as he heard the Swede scream inside, shouting for others to let go of him. A sentence reached Cry’s ears and it made his whole body shut down.

“We will call him... Subject One point Three Two Electric”

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